• Member Since 26th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen July 3rd


Been lurking for awhile, may actually do something soon


I wonder how these bloggy thingies work... · 7:31am Feb 23rd, 2013

What do you do on here?

Rant until you're blue in the face?
Talk bout your undieing love for chocolate goodies?
Or rant about how your sister ate all the pieces of crap coloured bliss?

I wonder if you can poke the bloggy thing without the screen bitting back?
I know! We're supposed to talk about anything and everything... right?

Well here's a one-shot I have done here.
Whats NSFW anyway?

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Thanks for giving Figurehead a fave.

thanks for joining.

Comment posted by EngageBook deleted Jan 11th, 2014
Comment posted by EngageBook deleted Dec 4th, 2013
Comment posted by EngageBook deleted Jan 11th, 2014
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