The Montage Cinematic Universe! 108 members · 24 stories

NOTE: The MCU will no longer be updated on Fimfiction. Head to the MCU on AO3 to stay up to date!

Montage (noun)
mon·​tage | \ män-ˈtäzh

1. the production of a rapid succession of images in a motion picture to illustrate an association of ideas

2. a literary, musical, or artistic composite of juxtaposed more or less heterogeneous elements

3. a composite picture made by combining several separate pictures

X. The timeline where Juniper Montage remained relevant rather than being shuffled off into canon's closet never to be seen again

Welcome to the MCU!

The Montage Cinematic Universe (MCU) is the connected timeline for Bookish Delight's Equestria Girls stories, many of which involve Juniper Montage in some way because Bookish is her biggest fan by default. As I've been writing I've realized that I've been building a loose continuity, and that it is one I enjoy playing in even given its looseness, hence this group.

Comments and forum posts are enabled for the time being. Please don't give me the slightest reason to turn them off and/or ban members. I happily take such actions these days without the slightest hint of sympathy or remorse.

Want to read everything in order? Check out the official timeline here!

Banner art by Gabbslines.

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