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Mystic Flare

Autistic Aspie brony ,furry ,gamer ,and wolf lover


CMC what if · 4:32am Feb 25th, 2019

Had a thought 2 nights ago. We already "sort of" saw part of this ,but what if 1 of the CMC didn't get a mark during the trio mark ep? How would this affect their friendship and group? Possible fic(s) for all 3 povs?

Report Mystic Flare · 335 views · #CMC
Comments ( 269 )
  • Viewing 265 - 269 of 269

Hey, thanks for the fave and follow, mate!

Thanks for the fave and follow!

Thanks for the fave on A New Test Protocol!

TA New Test Protocol
GLaDOS installs a link to CelestAI to obtain an endless supply of test subjects. [FIO×Portal]
eiggengrau · 2.6k words  ·  22  5 · 648 views

Thanks for the fave on The Wall! :twilightsmile:

Appreciate the fave and follow~!

  • Viewing 265 - 269 of 269
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