Autistic Brony Community 178 members · 443 stories

Mild to severe, We are the Bronies and Pegisisters born with Autism. Despite our condition we take life head on, and accept its challenges. And despite what others think, we are much smarter that others believe.

Comments ( 38 )
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I’m not quite a brony, but I do have autism.

Hello, I am Grand-Galvatron, and I have ADHD and Mild Autism, I was diagnosed with it when I was 15 or 16 years old. I know that Autism can sometimes be very difficult, especially with writing Fimfics because my Adhd can cause me to write multiple new stories at a rapid pace, but I am trying to work on that.

I'm so glad I found this group.

Hello, I'm AppleLauda and I have the Asperger Autism and sometimes there are things where I'm extremely overpowered such as Racing on the virtual Nürburgring (the Nürburgring is located in Germany. I know every single corner of the track and I love it. I call it my second home because of the fact that I love the Nürburgring. It's the world's longest, most dangerous and most difficult race track in the world)

Whenever I know something isn't right I feel like I want to talk to God such as the moment when I couldn't get to training because I'm not vaccinated. God made us to live in Harmony and not in classes...

I was really frustrated on that evening and I knew that this wasn't right... If I was the Counselor of Germany, I would have paid money of unknown value to the people who took a lot of financial and/or mental damage from the restrictions...

I'm in a track and field club since 2018 and I have fun doing this. I'm even competing in actual races over the 60 and 100 meters distance

I even have plans to break the speed record for gravity racers and my goal is to achieve at least 200 kilometers per hour but I think I won't try it because one mistake and I'm probably dead...

Also I won the Lottery on my first ever ticket (it was a small win but at least something)

Of course I won't play the lottery that much. I will only play the lottery when the limit of 45 million euros is reached (in Germany, the rule is that if the jackpot has reached 45 million euros and the jackpot isn't paid out, then the next game will be a forced jackpot payout game and this is when I will play. Theoretically due to this rule, you could win the jackpot by simply getting 3 out of 6 right or 2 out of 6 including the extra number right)

Somehow, I managed to kinda crack the German lottery system. Here's what I found out:

Each number drawn from each series of numbers (1-49 are the numbers that can be drawn) will appear at least once (as example row 1-9 will appear at least 1, 10-19 will appear at least 1 and so on)

Knowing this I know which numbers to pick and this increases my chances of winning a big one by around 10%. Of course it's a game of fortune but the system I found out helps me a lot. So if you play the lottery in Germany, you should pick maximum 2 numbers of each series of numbers but there is a ratio. If there are 2 numbers (for example 15 and 19) then it could happen that there won't be a single number in the 20-29 row. In this case skip the next series of numbers (if 2 numbers between 10 and 19 appear, you should skip the numbers between 20 and 29, pick one out of the numbers 30-39 and two out of the numbers 40-49)

I made a lot of research on this but I can't guarantee that this will work since it's a game of fortune (fortune and luck mean the same thing actually)

My OC AppleLauda was made as a tribute to Austrian's Niki Lauda who died on 20th May 2019

Comment posted by Dragon-In-Black deleted Nov 7th, 2021

I have high functioning autism, and I am proud!

Hi, I'm a person with high-functioning autism. Just because I have problems with social interaction doesn't make me any less intelligent.

Hello everyone! I am Elquimico. I'm17 years old and was diagnosed with Asperger's and an IQ of 147 at the age of 15.

I hope can make good friends here:raritystarry:.

Hello, I have Autism w/ ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome.

I have high-functioning autism.

Hello, I had Aspergers Syndrome and I hope to contribute to this group:twilightsmile:.

I have Autism, Depression and Mania 'nuff said
I'm kind of the same
See above. (yeah I know 5 years later).

I just found out I had autism 2 days ago :twilightblush:

My name's Leondude and I'm an alcoholic. Just kidding, but I do have high-functioning autism (which is different from Asperger's in that people with HFA are less independant than Aspies and lower verbal reasoning too, whatever that means).

I think there's a list of differences between HFA and Asperger's:


I have what others call Asperger's, but I prefer to describe myself as mildly autistic, due to my perception that in some cases (like in my case), Asperger's is an euphemism for high-functioning autism. Bit of antisocial and isolated "foreveralone", too.

Count me in!

Hi, I'm autistic!

I treat my autism like both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, I'm a bit better at certain things than others around my age group, like math for instance. But on the other hand, I'm more sensitive about stuff that most people just shrug off and move on from. Regardless, I try to go through life and enjoy every day I have while I can.

Also, Twilight is best pony. :twilightsmile:

well... I was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age, i am 16 now and about to be 17 and i dont have ADHD anymore but... I act somewhat strange around new people sometimes, i like everyone of you am veery smart, and i have not been diagnosed yet but i feel like i have autism? Maybe? When i get the real diagnostic i will decide wether to stay or not in this group, but maybe i will stay because i aprecciate these people and... Etc.

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