• Member Since 29th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen May 26th, 2022


Occupation: College Student


View able map · 1:38am Feb 4th, 2019

Hello there,

In the last chapter, I edited in the notes at the bottom the site that was used to generate the map for River Reich, and I gave a link to a google drive file that you can upload on the site to view the map. Here is a copy of the notes in case you have read the chapter before I edited the notes

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Report JackTheEpic · 285 views · Story: Just another life to live ·

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Thank you for adding my story The Heart of Pleasure to your favorites! I would love to read what you liked about it in the comments. ^_^

Working on it. Now. Around 2k words so far. Should be done before the new year.

Thanks for adding "Shattering a Heart of Darkness" to your favorites!!

Thank you for faving Of Heaven and Earth.:twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fav on my story. Do share your opinions about it in the comment section as well. Would make me a happy dood :3

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