• Member Since 7th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 11th, 2019

Sweet Tale

Completely mad, balding superhero :D

Current Project

Good Things Come!

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What to say......

26, male brony from the UK. I love to read and write fiction and spend an unnecessary amount of time surfing the dark reaches of the internet.

If you ever want to ask me anything, then by all means, send me a PM or comment on this page :pinkiehappy:


Explanation · 6:03pm Sep 20th, 2016

I bet you're probably sick of seeing these blogs by now.

The last blog I posted, I guess I posted it to try and boost myself to start writing again. It's been over two years now and before this point, apart from the odd spark here and there, I never truly found the courage and determination to fully commit to it again. Since last year, a lot has changed. Lost opportunities, new paths taken and a bright new future to look forward to.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Favorite Pony? - Applejack

Favorite CMC? - Sweetie Belle or Babs Seed

Favorite Background Pony? - Vinyl Scratch

Favorite Princess? - Princess Luna

Favorite Villain? - Discord or Chrysalis

Least Favorite Pony? - Hmm...I'd have to say Rarity...but only just...

Favorite OTP? - TwiSpike

Least Favorite OTP? - RariSpike - too many attempts on this site.

Favorite Episode For Each Season?

1) Party Of One

2) Luna Eclipsed

3) Sleepless In Ponyville...Magical Mystery Cure in a close second.

4) For Whom The Sweetie Belle Tolls

Favorite TV Show? - I have a few. Big Bang Theory, Red Dwarf, Fawlty Towers, Only Fools And Horses...

Favorite Video Game? - The original Sonic games on the Mega Drive - Sonic 1, 2, 3 and Knuckles.

Favorite Fanfiction? - Hmm...there's so many good ones out there but mine has to be Sophistication and Betrayal.

Favorite Clopfic? - Oh...well, same as above :pinkiehappy:

Best Story You've Written? - Either Good Things Come or Return To The Haven.

Worst Story You've Written? - Running Out Of Rhyme...I can't believe I wrote that...

Favorite Brony Artist? - Eurobeat Brony...or Mandopony

Favorite Brony Song? - This.

Comments ( 114 )
  • Viewing 110 - 114 of 114

I'm the reaper of accounts and it seem that this account is dead.
Doesn't mean that the stories should.
Read them since is the only way to remember the writter

2044301 actually he's basicly been away for over a year by now, he logged in for a week and then he was gone again :/

Dude I just finished reading good things come and seen that you've been away for 13 weeks now?
Irl problems are an issue but please try to finish your story or hand it off to someone else. Thank you:twilightsmile:

And then he leaves again........

"Rest For The Weary" any hope for this one

  • Viewing 110 - 114 of 114
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