• Member Since 7th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 27th, 2014


Quick brain! We need to come up with something to put in this short bio box! Any ideas? No? Well... how about now? Auuuugh! That's it? A Charlie Brown scream? Oh come on! You can do better than that!-


The Project Box

This here little box is where I let you all know what I'm working on, in order of priority.
WHY DO I HAVE HOOVES!?: Chapter 14: Redo
Christmas Special: Planning
Flight of the Lunam Noctis: Chapter 1: Redo
The Phoenix Project : Rewrite Pending
Every month or two I come up with a new idea for a story creating a bit of a backlog so, multiple ideas that will remain on the back burner for ages until I finally get to them: Writing Questionable


I'M NOT DEAD YET! · 3:40am Oct 30th, 2013

Sorry about the royal caps lock but now that I have your attention.. Hi guys! Cydon here with a little update of the goings on over here. I'm as busy as ever juggling my schedule with work and school but you guys don't care about that you're here for ponies. So lets get right to it shall we?


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Comments ( 7 )
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Haven't heard anything from ya in almost a year and a half. What's up with the stories? You still alive?

thanks for the fav

Thanks for the watch. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the watch, man. I appreciate it!:raritystarry:

Thanks for the watch! I appreciate it loads! :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 3 - 7 of 7
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