• Member Since 24th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 26th, 2017


This user has been dead for several years. I'm sorry to say that there will be no more updates.

Fictions I made by slamming my face into the keyboard repeatedly


It's been a while. · 3:36am Apr 8th, 2016

Hey, guys. It's me, Deyeaz. How're you all doing today?


Great, I would hope. I'm doing well myself.

So... why haven't I been writing? I think the obvious answer is... I've sorta lost my drive for it. For three reasons, mainly.

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Comments ( 126 )
  • Viewing 122 - 126 of 126

What should you do? Wrote more stories, of course! I love your Sly Cooper stories!!!!! And don't let what others do affect you. I've done university, community college, and tech school. I received the best training at the tech school, the community college was the next best thing, and the university was not so good. As for people taking 18 credits and working 2 jobs...that's just nuts. Stressing out that much is so bad for you. Do your own thing, make your own way, and remember to find 5 things you are grateful for every single day, even if it's just that you made it through that day! Hang in there. Better times are coming.

Are you still alive???

Majin Syeekoh

Thanks for faving Tyrannosaurus #rekt!

  • Viewing 122 - 126 of 126
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