• Member Since 21st Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen July 18th

Ninja Kraken



Someone who knows Zuko and Twilight Sparkle needed · 7:53pm Jul 7th, 2013

So, I'm trying to write that spirit sequel to Celestia and Iroh Have Tea. This one will feature Zuko and Twilight, and I've gotten working on it, but I need a couple of people who know these characters well to help me check my direction with it, and to help push me to work consistently.

If anyone's interested, leave a comment here or PM me.

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Hey, can I get a full-size version of your profile pic? Thanks.

No, he's gone! :fluttercry: Come back please!

Hi Stealthy Sea Monster! How are you? :pinkiehappy:

You are never alone, my brother!
Rise up, join me, and together we can conquer this website as ninja and hatchling! :flutterrage:

And I thought I was the only Kraken on here. XD

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