Another set of ideas - some changes happened · 6:59pm Apr 2nd, 2015
Alright, it has been some time but let's not dwell in the past.
Just like in the title, I've been thinking for a while and came up with some quite wicked ideas for new stories. Several of them are about this 'Displaced' fashion that's been going around, but two are actually my original stories, though at the first look they may seem like they aren't. I'd like to know what you think about those ideas, maybe you'll have some input that'll help me with development.
Thanks for the favorite on A Tastier Surprise.
Thanks for the fave
No, it's not dead, I just have trouble with continuing it, and have been thinking of rewriting the chapters.
Hey, is the story Redemption of One Shadow dead? I hope not because it seems very interesting, would love to read more on it.
Thank you for faving Of Heaven and Earth.