• Member Since 13th May, 2016
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


I also have a SubscribeStar, because Patreon nuked me. Lesson? Do not trust Patreon.

Commission Criteria's

Commissions are currently CLOSED


Price: 20.00$ per 1,000 words

Payment Method: Paypal

If commissions are open there is always also the question what I prefer to write and what I refuse to write. So to avoid problems regarding this a commissioner should read the following list:

Uber Fetishes:
- Gangbang (Duh!)
- Maledom (Have I ever written a story without it?)
- Glory Hole (Classic and one of my favorite ones!)
- Public Use
- Humiliation/Degradation e.g. Body Writing
- Bukkake (Always hot in my opinion and there should be more messy ones of these in stories)
- Sex-Questria (Equestria being all about open sex or Equestria being turned into a land of sex. I REALLY love that concept!)

- Public Sex / Stealth Sex
- Foalcon
- Incest (Father/daughter first, brother/sister on the second place, not really into mother/son though)
- Bestiality
- Tentacle (Many tentacles and only a few holes of a mare to be stuffed. What's not to like with that setting? :pinkiehappy:)
- Eventual Consensual Rape
- Cheating / Netorare / Cuckold
- Sex Machines, Sex Toys, and other aids (spreader bars for example and so on)
- Spanking (I found that to be a rather nice act of dominance and sometimes use such acts in small parts in my clopfics)
- Mind Break (In a way an overload of pleasure, not sure how good I am at that though)
- Sluttification / Bimbofication
- Anthro (But I prefer the normal ones over anthro)
- Hyper Cocks (found my interest for that one not all too long ago, huge dragons fucking a small pony or dragoness? That's interesting stuff for example)
- Cum Inflation
- Musk-Play (Only for a female smelling a cock and balls. I'm not a fan of armpits and so on, but the thought of a female actually burying her face in the males crotch area is quite attractive for me.)
- M/M (I am into M/M as long as the submissive isn't a muscular or manly character. So a cute character like Spike or a Femboy works out for me.)
- Futa (This one is rather minor. Futa has to be dominant, so Futadom if you will.)
- Watersports (Cloppictures of harryclopper are a guilty pleasure of mine, and the interest in this point has also grown since I used it in a RP. The degrading aspect can be rather neat.)
- Flashlight Dicks / Cocks (Yes, I mention them. And I even plan to write a fic all about them. Even Sterlit said he was interested in writing something like that. I mean, pumping ponies full of glowing cum and use them as lights? That sounds fun! :pinkiesmile:)
- Silliness (Yup. I like sometimes silly things in my clopfics, if you my dear reader have noticed. It is quite refreshing and funny. And funny is always a nice option to spice a clopfic up)

Other Stuff which I have a slight interest on:
- F/F (Depends on the setting. For example if there is a dominant partner with a submissive one, or if there are a lot of toys like vibrators or a fucking machine used)
- Food/Hoof Fetish (I only have read two fics about it. One with Rainbow Dash and Spike on the topic, the second one a sequel to it. It was very interesting and sensual I admit, but I personally focussed more on reading when the real action started. I could probably try to implement something like that, but it's not really something I would call a kink of mine.)

Other stuff I completely refuse to write:
- Femdom (Exception if a female character gets dominated, but I don't like the thought of a male character being dominated. That just isn't my cup of tea.)
- Diaper Play


One Unlisted Story · 1:14pm May 12th

Dear Readers,

I am here to inform you that, I have unlisted a story upon request. Personally, I am not a fan of such an activity. More than anything, it was something I never wanted to do in my entire life, but refusing would have only caused unnecessary conflict. It is the decision of the Commissioner, so I have to respect those wishes, even while I am strongly disagreeing with them.

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Comments ( 105 )
  • Viewing 86 - 105 of 105

I glad your doing OK besides writer's block. That can be a bitch it's usually what stops me from before I even begin. I'll have an idea and then can't think of what to write next. Thank Celestia for ai chat bots. Have been trying with them for a while. Anyways can't wait to see your game your working on amd what ever you do write next.:pinkiehappy:

Good to hear that you are okay 😊
Wish you luck with corruption of Equestria chapters 😁, and will we see the next chapter of Equis online soon?


Thank you for your concern. :twilightsmile: I am fine. It is just that I have been dealing with Writer's Block, while also being busy with planning out some game projects. I hope to have a Corruption in Equestria Chapter ready this month. :pinkiesmile:

I know right. Have they stopped writing stories?

R U alright?


Gomamon Trainer? That would more be a question for itch.io. It takes time, as the artists are both a bit more busy and I need some more art before I can make another version. So, sadly, my guess is the next build will be in December.

Bro when will you update the game

I do hope you finish soon.


Scroll up above the comment section for more information, albeit I have too many projects on hand right now. So much writing that it is hard to really get any other Commission in. Hopefully I will soon finish one of them.

Hello there. I assume you take story commissions?

What kind of price are we talking about here?


If it gets commissioned? I can imagine it, albeit I do worry how long such a story about a take over would take to write. I do have some other projects after all and have to see how I can manage.

Came here to ask the same thing XD

Would you ever consider a sequel to “Sealed in Tartarus” and “Not So Sealed In Tartarus” the first one at least seems to beg for a sequel where Twilight and her family take over Equestria.

Ok thanks for coming back to reply then


Might be next year. Lots of stories to write and a game to work on. It is a story that is dear to me and I do plan to finish it at some point though.

Hey there my friend. I am sure you have been asked this a lot but just in case do you ever plan on returning to your timberwolf pup story anytime soon?


Hm... For now, I have no big desire to do them. I mean, I got enough other projects to worry about. Not to mention I am more attached to G4. Not to say I don't like G5, but there are a few flaws in it that are bugging me. So, I can imagine it in the future, just not now. :pinkiesmile:

Will you write with the characters of G5 friend?


I can write about other stuff too. As for where to post it... Inkbunny might be a possibility. :pinkiesmile:

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