• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen Feb 25th, 2020

Buster Knutt

Welcome to the cum zone

Blog Posts

  • 230 weeks
    Assistance Needed

    In my attempts to restore my fics, I've been using fimfetch to copy-paste the descriptions and chapter titles directly into new stories, as I want the fics reuploaded exactly as they were originally.

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    15 comments · 2,537 views
  • 230 weeks
    Current Situation

    1. I've lost access to my account on the desktop due to forgetting passwords for account and email address. Google is also refusing to let me reclaim the account as of now, so I'm currently waiting on a response from a fimfic moderator to see if they can help me with that.

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    15 comments · 1,080 views
  • 231 weeks
    The Other Venture

    I will be returning my attention to my other venture for the forseeable future, so I'm afraid I won't be working on much of anything fimfic-wise for a good while.

    6 comments · 430 views
  • 232 weeks
    Minor Update

    My computer has been returned to me rather quickly, so I'm going to continue work on things now.

    4 comments · 299 views
  • 232 weeks
    Brief Update

    My computer's been put in the shop for a few days for repairs/upgrades, so work on new stuff is being put on hold until I get it back.

    Apologies for the delay.

    2 comments · 272 views

Assistance Needed · 12:08pm Feb 25th, 2020

In my attempts to restore my fics, I've been using fimfetch to copy-paste the descriptions and chapter titles directly into new stories, as I want the fics reuploaded exactly as they were originally.

Read More

Report Buster Knutt · 2,537 views ·
Comments ( 100 )
  • Viewing 96 - 100 of 100

Oh how did I not notice that comment below me?

Reposted to his new account

What happened to the barb impregnation did you delete it if you did why?


Buster Knutt has (accidentally) locked himself out of this account.
His new account is here:

>>> Buster Knutt MkII <<<

Hey. Me and B are cool now, you can stop the downvoting.

  • Viewing 96 - 100 of 100
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