• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen Feb 25th, 2020

Buster Knutt

Welcome to the cum zone

More Blog Posts8

  • 256 weeks
    Assistance Needed

    In my attempts to restore my fics, I've been using fimfetch to copy-paste the descriptions and chapter titles directly into new stories, as I want the fics reuploaded exactly as they were originally.

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    15 comments · 2,610 views
  • 256 weeks
    Current Situation

    1. I've lost access to my account on the desktop due to forgetting passwords for account and email address. Google is also refusing to let me reclaim the account as of now, so I'm currently waiting on a response from a fimfic moderator to see if they can help me with that.

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    15 comments · 1,111 views
  • 257 weeks
    The Other Venture

    I will be returning my attention to my other venture for the forseeable future, so I'm afraid I won't be working on much of anything fimfic-wise for a good while.

    6 comments · 445 views
  • 258 weeks
    Minor Update

    My computer has been returned to me rather quickly, so I'm going to continue work on things now.

    4 comments · 338 views
  • 258 weeks
    Brief Update

    My computer's been put in the shop for a few days for repairs/upgrades, so work on new stuff is being put on hold until I get it back.

    Apologies for the delay.

    2 comments · 299 views

Current Situation · 4:56pm Feb 24th, 2020

1. I've lost access to my account on the desktop due to forgetting passwords for account and email address. Google is also refusing to let me reclaim the account as of now, so I'm currently waiting on a response from a fimfic moderator to see if they can help me with that.

2. Whenever I find the time, I shall be working on a full reboot of the 'Dusk Shine Impregnates' series due to my inability to reupload the originals. The current line up of stories includes DSI Cadance, DSI Gleaming, DSI Luna, DSI Barb, DSI Velvet, and DSI Celestia as of right now. The order and featured mares may be set to change during the creative process.

I'm sorry for screwing up as badly as I did here, and hope you'll enjoy the content whenever it comes down the pipeline.

Report Buster Knutt · 1,111 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

Take your time. We’re all just glad to have you back.

Agreed. We're just glad you're back!!

I hope the situation gets fixed soon!

Also, what about the Spa Ponies!? They were one of my favorites in the original DSI, they should get a reboot too!


There is actually a plan for the Spa Twins in conceptual stages right now focussing on more sexually-themed spa treatments rather than an out and out fuckfest like last time.

Oh okay, that sound a lot better. Thanks for answering Buster and I do hope your situation with your account is worked out soon!

If you still have access Discord, I suggest joining the Fimfiction server. It may be easier to get in contact with the Fimfic mods or even Knighty/Xaquseg. They may even be able to restore your old account. I asked on your behalf a while back, and they said they can help you, that you just need to contact them. Here's a link if you need it: Discord

Ignoring that, though, why can't you reupload your past stories? Are you not able to find copies of them? If not, I have all of them, and they're yours if you want them? Actually, here.

Good luck, I hope you can get everything sorted.

Will there be any expansion plans regarding other mares?


I've spoken to the mod staff before, and they've said that reinstating the account is impossible because once its gone, its gone. I also can't reupload stories because its against site rules to reupload previously deleted stuff.


I'm open to suggestions, really. I'm not opposed to making the harem bigger :twilightsmile:


Plentiful of suggestions, but I should let you sort these issues out.


I don't mind suggestions. Especially when I'm waiting for a response rather than working. Throw some at me.

I wanted to make sure before I said anything, but I just asked in the Discord. As near as I've been told, there's nothing stopping you from re-uploading your stories on this account. See:

Ask for an exemption to the no-reupload rule due to extenuating circumstances?
Or just throw all your fics in a .zip file and throw that on mega?

Sorry that this happened to you. I was always curious about the Dusk fics, but haven't taken the time to read them yet. Still, I want to support you, so I gave you a Watch. Hope things will turn out well for you in the end! :pinkiesmile:

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