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Erebus Cantillon


Fiction inspiration fuel. · 11:11am Dec 20th, 2015

I've been reading too many Mind Control stories.... got a need to write one myself. Damned if I know who or what to write on.
I feel clop-themed MC fics are too easy or too many already.... or am I wrong and you perverts want more of those?

Currently working on a fic involving three OC's. One of them you'll already know, two are added in for story telling reasons.
Well I'm back to getting writing done so we'll see what happens.

I've been chilling out with this song playing on repeat.

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Kanashii Panda did the cover art for Shakes' latest story by the way. His style is hard not to spot. You have him to thank for that 'bratty milf side' of Velvet. You're welcome.

i am don't worry :p working on chapter 3 also editing where the readers adviced it since i'm rather new :p

Good works deserve a follow. Keep at it.

  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12
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