• Member Since 27th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Aug 1st, 2017


Clop is proof that God wants us to be happy.


I appear to be alive · 4:48am Apr 11th, 2016

Who'd have thunk it, JayJaeJai appears to not be dead! Yeah folks I'm still making clop (though at an amazingly slow pace), and have a couple of works still processing through the old noggin ready for you to get your rocks off to.

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Report jayjaejai · 798 views · Story: Between Her Toes · #New Story #New Clop
Comments ( 24 )
  • Viewing 20 - 24 of 24

i foolwed 5 sec ago just cuz of bio. ur amazballs. wuv u wrk .

Shit, can you get me the full version of that pic?

A derpiboo number or something would be fine.

  • Viewing 20 - 24 of 24
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I appear to be alive · 4:48am Apr 11th, 2016

Who'd have thunk it, JayJaeJai appears to not be dead! Yeah folks I'm still making clop (though at an amazingly slow pace), and have a couple of works still processing through the old noggin ready for you to get your rocks off to.

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Report jayjaejai · 798 views · Story: Between Her Toes · #New Story #New Clop