• Member Since 18th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Writing graduate who loves cartoon horses and all manner of silly things. Occasionally writes serious stories. A divine Swedish woman drew this avatar.

Catch My Barcast Interview!


Oh, BronyCon, Where'd You Go? · 10:01am Aug 26th, 2019

You're all I've ever known.

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About the Author

Prereader of The Royal Guard (defunct).

I was born on June 12, 1987. I am currently attending Vancouver Island University as a Creative Writing major, a journey which began on September 10, 2012 with an introduction to writing fiction class.

I began writing seriously because the series we all know and love inspired me to do so in the summer of 2011, the Great Season One-to-Two Pony Drought. That was when I conceived a notion that turned into Repercussions and sent me on my way to writing fiction.

My comedic work is my most well received, though I do enjoy writing dark/epic stories a lot. Rainbow Dash is best pony, and Cutie Mark Chronicles is best episode.

Comments ( 349 )
  • Viewing 345 - 349 of 349

Merry Christmas, Gary. Been rereading old classics from a few years ago and reread Dr. Panacea’s stories. Any chance she could return?

i know you some how but its been so long

It's been a year since your last fic. Is there something we can expect from you soon-ish? :pinkiehappy:

Thank you very much! My pleasure.

And same to you!

  • Viewing 345 - 349 of 349
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