• Member Since 18th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Writing graduate who loves cartoon horses and all manner of silly things. Occasionally writes serious stories. A divine Swedish woman drew this avatar.


When Sweetie Belle overhears Rarity asking Twilight Sparkle if she wants to scissor that night, her curiosity is piqued. Why is "scissoring" such a hot topic among the mares? Why does it sound so fun? What exactly is scissoring, anyway? Sweetie goes forth on a quest to discover the secret.

This story does not contain foalcon, implied or otherwise.

Reading by Visualpony Thenarrator!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 70 )
Comment posted by The Elusive Badgerpony deleted Aug 12th, 2013

Please explain to me how I'm trolling anybody. This is simply a silly story I wrote for fun. I don't see anywhere in the tags, story, or description how this is a trollfic.

3032023 Forgive me. I'm caffeinated and I'm a mean bastard during the withdrawal (though that's no sufficient apology/explanation for my actions) :fluttershyouch:

3031983 As much as I like your stories, I disagree with this statement of yours.

3032032 lol, I get like that when I get hungry, or overtired.

That's all right. Clicking or unclicking follow is just the push of a button, and I can see how it might be a kneejerk reaction at first glance.

Darn it, I was going to upload a story of my own tonight. There goes the featured box.

That's the cleanest filth I've ever read. Thumbs up in my books :pinkiehappy:

Very vivid description. The horror. Everypony gets scared by the batcave once In a while. Lol the apples on the other hoof.

The picture you used is a perfect representation of my face when I read that title, let alone the DESCRIPTION. :rainbowderp:

Hilarious. :twilightsmile:

OMFG!!! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

This was fucking PRICELESS!!!!! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

This was fucking bad.In a good way of coarse :raritywink:

This was fantastic. I had a huge shit-eating grin the whole way through.

“'Fun sister activities'? F-fun... sister...”

I lost.

You really do excel in that space between comedy and smut.

This was perfect:rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy::scootangel:. A few grammatical errors but those are easily forgiven.

It's short, cute and the final exchange has some really funny lines. Even a few I did not see coming :twilightblush:.

Oh sweet mother of Celestia.....

Scissor me timbers! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Silver out!

You have no idea how hard I was laughing. :rainbowlaugh:
Fucking priceless!

How would quadrupeds even do that?

Actually, on second thoughts, don't answer that.

Take my like and my money!

Hah, I wish! :rainbowwild:
Wat. Where? I did proofread this thing before posting. :pinkiesick:
Thanks for the kind words, guys! :pinkiehappy: Part of the reason for writing this was to test my new writing setup, and to see if I could sit down and just power out an entire story (I wrote the first draft in 4 hours, including breaks, then reivsed it the next day). Another was to see if I could do straight up comedy without making it clop. This reaction is a good sign, because I've got another comedy story in mind, but it will take a while to figure out where I want to go with it.

You want me to go get a couple of them?

You can just PM all of them to me, if you like. I'm actually kind of mad that multiple mistakes got through.

Don't be. It's hard to spot grammatical errors when you're laughing so hard you cry:rainbowlaugh:

3033991 well, you did it, and did it superbly!
This fic is full of Win, Pie, and Awesome Sauce! :pinkiehappy:

It's still no excuse! :twilightangry2:
Yay! :yay:

Someone call Twilight and have her use a mind wipe spell on Sweetie Belle. It's the only way to save her innocence. :raritycry:

Is... is Rarity just going around to her straight friends and proposing random frottage sessions?

That's... um... classy? Also, ladylike. And super romantic.


This was beyond good.

I laughed my ass off. Well done.

~Skeeter The Lurker

The likes and dislikes make 666.
This story is SATAN.

Poor Sweetie Belle... She's too cute for this sort of stuff! :rainbowlaugh:

3032023 Twilight isn't gay. Obviously it's a trollfic :pinkiecrazy:

3034410 The best kinds of stories are Satan. :coolphoto:

So I find this story with no idea as to what scissoring is. So I look it up on an image search. In the MIDDLE of the LIBRARY! I'm sending you my bail bill.

Good idea. Let's just say that happened in the unwritten epilogue. :scootangel:
Grammar Nazi for life. Seriously, in my Uni writing classes, I'm infamous for that sort of thing.
That's Rarity for you! All's she needed was Pinkie to break her out of her shell.
I lost it when I read this comment.

Reminds me of The Birds and the Bees
by theworstwriter
, in a great way. Great story, laughed my ass off :rainbowlaugh:

While this story was entertaining, I wish you made Rainow Dash oblivious to what scissoring is. I always kind of think rainbow dash is oblivious to sex. Other than that, MOAR!!!! :flutterrage:

(I am never, never, never. never, ever gonna touch a pair of sci... um... those, um... fabric cutting things... again...) :unsuresweetie:

Why was Sweetie Belle near the scissors in the first place? :pinkiegasp:She's to young to know what scissoring even is, or the deep romantic nature of scissoring.:unsuresweetie: Rainbow Dash tends to do it often with her Coltfriend, Soarin. :rainbowderp::rainbowhuh: Princess Cadence, and Shining Armor do it, no matter where they go, and it will eventually result in a little filly in season 4. I'm sure that Big Mac and Miss Cherliee do it sometimes too. :eeyup: :facehoof: But, the way that you gave us a rare peek into the minds of mares and colts during their intimate relations, and what young fillies and colts think about the whole process, was funny to the point of histrionics. :rainbowlaugh:

Hm, I was waiting for the plot twist the entire time, and it didn't come. Quite the odd feeling.

:rainbowlaugh: not quite how I expected it to go but funny all the same

:applejackconfused: "I am not your family member but go to your room."
:unsuresweetie: "um... ok, but Miss Cheeralie let us when we were in art class."
:ajbemused: "I am home schooling AB now."

You made me laugh so have this. i.imgur.com/VZHBW60.gif

“Yes, but not family.” Rarity shook her head and made a cutting motion with a forehoof. “The Apples, on the other hoof, may think differently, but that is not the norm.”


A nice read. I had a handful of chuckles here and there.

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