Equestria isn't what it should be. Fear, smoke and an invisible, ever-growing menace rule the day. A pink toymaker, a noblemare, and an airship captain and her crew are thrown together by peril, and set out to rescue the soul of Equestria
Just thought I'd mention that I've removed you as admin of the Writer's Group, due to not being on the site. If you ever are back on the site again, and want admin privileges again, you know who to talk to!
Also I finally got my fidget spinner! Is actually kind of neat. That thing spins for a really long time when you flick it. It feels weird when you move it around while it's spinning.
2404566 Well.. I wanted to make sure you had a copy available that didn't have the "vlidiot" text so that if you wanted to use it, you could put something else there too. Obviously you can use another avatar too, if you want.
I have looked around online at tutorials an' youtube videos teaching you how to draw an' things like that. It's also weird when you find yourself looking at pictures and trying to see how things are drawn. I'm kinda trying to look at where the lines that aren't drawn are a little more, if that makes sense.
I started out doodling. They weren't really good doodles, either. "This misshapen circle is now a head" quality...
2398828 It is a hobby, though I've bought some stuff for it 'cause I enjoy it.
And actually, I'm jealous of the ones that can just sit down and draw something easily. I just decided that since I couldn't draw, I'd work on the stuff I could do, which was edit pictures. Coloring was kinda a natural extension of that, and I could trace if I zoomed in real big. Then I found paint programs with tools that make tracing things really easy.
I'm still finding the best way for me to draw something is to draw it really badly, make that layer really light, draw over it on another layer, tracing the good bits and redrawing the bad, and to keep doing that until I get something that looks decent.
The nice thing about computers is they let you cheat a lot on things, and the more you practice things, even if you aren't good at 'em, the better you become.
And I would keep in mind that just 'cause you are bad at something isn't any reason not to do it, if you think it's fun...
2398452 Just derpibooru, so far, and the occasional scattered around stuff. Trouble is that if I draw from scratch, it doesn't usually come out that well, so mosta the stuff I do is based on somepony else's art somewhere along the line. My avatar has the base lines traced from somepony else's picture that used to be my avatar, for example.
I'm double-plus sorry, Sweetie. I shouldn't have been antisocial and lazy, and should have said something after the faux-eulogies.
I can understand being antisocial and lazy, really. Rumors of your death are things you really don't want to hafta deal with, tho'. and you could've had people dropping by for a long time and thinking you died...
Being on the other side of the guilt trip is a bad place to be! My weapon of choice is eeeeevil.
Well... there is a reason I can fill in for you as admin. How do you think I ended up getting Vengeful Spirit to make an announcement that I was officially replacing him as head of the Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau?
I have joined the FiMFic Discord. If I'd known it was the place to SweetAI up my life, I'd have joined ages ago!
Yay! I mostly lurk there, but it's my most likely lurking spot on discord. And there are a buncha people you know there, too.
2398248 No problem! I'm actually kinda picky about making sure everything's in place when giving out an avatar, even when it's just for a purpose like this one.
I miss you. Where'd you go?
No, you're the bestest.
Just thought I'd mention that I've removed you as admin of the Writer's Group, due to not being on the site. If you ever are back on the site again, and want admin privileges again, you know who to talk to!
--Sweetie Belle
Also I finally got my fidget spinner! Is actually kind of neat. That thing spins for a really long time when you flick it. It feels weird when you move it around while it's spinning.
I started watching a video of someone playing "Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles", and you were in it!
--Sweetie Belle
Why don't you like pinkie? Sorry it seems like u don't
--Sweetie Belle
--Sweetie Belle
social satire is the
religion of
ice cream fgt
That is all. Equestria is ours.
Well.. I wanted to make sure you had a copy available that didn't have the "vlidiot" text so that if you wanted to use it, you could put something else there too. Obviously you can use another avatar too, if you want.
--Sweetie Belle
I do actually like it myself, too. You can keep it if you want. I just wanted to give you the choice.
--Sweetie Belle
Forgot to reply to this one.
I have looked around online at tutorials an' youtube videos teaching you how to draw an' things like that. It's also weird when you find yourself looking at pictures and trying to see how things are drawn. I'm kinda trying to look at where the lines that aren't drawn are a little more, if that makes sense.
I started out doodling. They weren't really good doodles, either. "This misshapen circle is now a head" quality...
Oh, and I think it's been a week!
The stuff I did behind the text gets more obvious when you remove the text, doesn't it?
--Sweetie Belle
It is a hobby, though I've bought some stuff for it 'cause I enjoy it.
And actually, I'm jealous of the ones that can just sit down and draw something easily. I just decided that since I couldn't draw, I'd work on the stuff I could do, which was edit pictures. Coloring was kinda a natural extension of that, and I could trace if I zoomed in real big. Then I found paint programs with tools that make tracing things really easy.
I'm still finding the best way for me to draw something is to draw it really badly, make that layer really light, draw over it on another layer, tracing the good bits and redrawing the bad, and to keep doing that until I get something that looks decent.
The nice thing about computers is they let you cheat a lot on things, and the more you practice things, even if you aren't good at 'em, the better you become.
And I would keep in mind that just 'cause you are bad at something isn't any reason not to do it, if you think it's fun...
--Sweetie Belle
Just derpibooru, so far, and the occasional scattered around stuff. Trouble is that if I draw from scratch, it doesn't usually come out that well, so mosta the stuff I do is based on somepony else's art somewhere along the line. My avatar has the base lines traced from somepony else's picture that used to be my avatar, for example.
Or if you look at this picture I uploaded to derpibooru:
It's based on this picture by tjpones:
I'm kinda occasionally working on being able to draw stuff just using another picture as visual reference and not tracing occasionally.
Lemony's picture, I did do from scratch, tho'. I like how it ended up coming out, though I think I reworked it twice...
--Sweetie Belle
I can understand being antisocial and lazy, really. Rumors of your death are things you really don't want to hafta deal with, tho'. and you could've had people dropping by for a long time and thinking you died...
Well... there is a reason I can fill in for you as admin. How do you think I ended up getting Vengeful Spirit to make an announcement that I was officially replacing him as head of the Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau?
Yay! I mostly lurk there, but it's my most likely lurking spot on discord. And there are a buncha people you know there, too.
No problem! I'm actually kinda picky about making sure everything's in place when giving out an avatar, even when it's just for a purpose like this one.
--Sweetie Belle