• Member Since 14th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 15th, 2017


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Lume Invades Someone Else's Review Blog... Again! · 10:16am Oct 25th, 2015

As it happens, Lumie did another review with Prane and Gulheru! About The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows, this time! They promised they'd let me go if I did one. But I'm still trapped in the basement with all the other reviewers. Why did nobody send help after the last review? :fluttercry:

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Lumie Invades Someone Else's Review Blog · 10:14pm Jun 23rd, 2015

Though I do my level best to try to make you all forget that blogs exist, I suppose it does behoove me to pretend I'm not a hermit. I actually do things on FiMFiction! Sometimes I talk to people. Real people! Sometimes said real people ask for things! Prane asked me to do a review and gab session with himself and Gulheru about Princess Spike!

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Oh, hey! Neat! · 12:35pm Jun 5th, 2014

I don't usually like to celebrate silly milestones. But what the hell. In this case, I shall!

I just noticed I stumbled my way across the 200 followers mark this morning (minus any who see this blog and leave to make me look sufficiently silly), thanks to this mysterious person here. 200 is not the hugest number in the realm of FiMFiction cultdom, but all you cute little folks are all my own, and I wuv you so.

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Excellent · 10:30pm Apr 24th, 2014

Now that I've updated both the fics that I've had waiting, and at least one additional chapter is tantalizingly close to finished, it's time for me to develop some new medical problem to take me away for six more months.

I'm thinking Lupus.

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Back in the Saddle · 10:42am Apr 15th, 2014

Had intended to make this blog post when one of my fics hit pre-readers again, and was thus a few days from release. But then EqD finally remembered that Unbound Skies got accepted, and posted it up. The results were predictable.

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Unbound Skies is Out · 1:03am Nov 10th, 2013

Gotta say that it feels odd to be hitting that publish button again.
Still all nervouscited when doing it. None of the zen I might have been expecting.

Still, Unbound Skies is Out!, whee!

And I sure as hell couldn't have predicted a steampunk Pinkie and Rarity fic for that occasion:

Life's funny that way, though.

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New Story on the Way · 1:00pm Nov 8th, 2013

Luminary is not, in fact, dead!

In fact, I'm starting to get back into the swing of things! All thanks to the ever-bubbly Jake the Ginger. He lured me nefariously into writing a collab with him, like the creepy guy in the van lures kids in with candy.

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Crucible Briefly 'On Hiatus' · 1:46pm Mar 28th, 2013

Due to super-happy-fun (lies) happenings on the non-pony side of the screen, I've set Crucible to On Hiatus for a brief period.

I probably should have done it a month ago, but I can be exceptionally stubborn.

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