"Some Pony that I Turned to Stone" Song by Brady Wilkinson (me) · 5:53pm Sep 11th, 2013
Now and then I think of when we were together
Back when I felt so lonely I could die
Till I knew you were right for me
And you became my glimpse of harmony
But love's magic is not enough to quell ambitions temper
You can get addicted to a certain kind of madness
A power that fills your head like morning's light
So when I found no fun in making sense
You were more than Starswhirl's friend
Who's unworthiness was over
But you didn't have to turn me stone
Thanks for the watch, dude/dudette.
Thanks for the watch, you're too kind!
it's that totally sexy accent, which I totally know what it is....
Well well, what do I owe this following to?
Was it my good looks?
Or my sexy accent?
Maybe my swell promises of greatness and grand adventure?
Whatever it is, thanks for the following.
Praise FelixDawn.
I think it is devil's avocado, actually.
Hey you! yea you! thanks for favoriting "The Girls!"
quick question: how did you hear about my story? thanks :)