• Member Since 1st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Dragonborne Fox

It's one thing to create/throw already-established characters in a story of some kind. It's another thing to develop those characters, regardless of the situation they're in.


Made A DA Alternative · 4:28pm April 11th

I now has an Inkblot, but because I tagged it NSFW in setting up the account and making it visible, I don't think I can link it. However, it uses the same username as the one I run here. That being said, while I can take commissions over there too, I'm still in the protracted process of slowly moving my art from DA to there, due to the AIpocalypse.

Report Dragonborne Fox · 70 views ·


Group Medals for Fics

I made this module because, apparently, medals in story descriptions are now illegal. No links to the fics, since there's a chance a mature-rated fic gets a medal from a group or two.

For the re-write of Arcane Shadow (Mature)

Some Blurb

Hello, I am a freelance artist as well as writer and—as of late, postponed—Let's Player for Fimfiction.

Requests are open again! The waiting queue forms here! Commissions open!

Updated comms prices, and made my hand writing more legible!

Comments ( 4906 )
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https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1017935/new-start Follow my new fimfic profile please. I have authentication troubles with my old one so I'd love to have you follow me again.

Hey man, its me "RedeemerofDark" its been a while but I appreciate the feedback you provided on my lost account's story. Do you PM/have a discord? I'd like to talk to you if that's alright.

Thanks for the fav!

  • Viewing 4,902 - 4,906 of 4,906
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