Chess Players of Fimfiction 39 members · 63 stories

The group for all things chess.

Comments ( 15 )
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Google is your friend. It is strange you weren't able to find this.

I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean looking at the board and seeing the ranks and files correctly, or just remembering things like "N" means kNight, etc?

hay everyone I'm looking for something I can use that will make learning to write in chess notation easier. I can read it just fine but when it comes to recording it for games I'm absolutely, positively, terrible any suggestions?

hello my chess loving friends, I'm in need of help i am looking for the rules to three sided chess. if you could point me in the right direction I would be grateful. you can tell me too, if you like but, if you do be precise and crystal clear on your information please. you can PM me with your response. the game looks like this

I just played my first game of hnefatafl today and guess what i WON!!! i was king's side and i only had four vikings left but i won.

oh the food for thought in his message he said that that he googled hnefatafl and that it looked similar to something called thud from a book and or series of books written by a man by the name of Terry Prattchet I love playing chess and could do so for hours but I'm also an avid bookworm so when i can't find someone to play with i normally read so learning of something that combines my two passions and insights my curiosity to boot is a wonderful thing it just goes to show you never know what you'll learn

What's that then?

i contacted samey90 nice fellow not only did he say that it was fine he also gave me some interesting food for thought

Your going to have to talk to the admins of the group.

I've also recently stumbled across a game similar to chess hnefatafl it is one of the games that inspired chess as we know and one of it's titles is actually viking chess if i was so inclined could i discuss that here too or not

I can't believe it's been three years.

I've never been in chess club because i never found one but i have been playing chess with family and friends for years and I've always enjoyed the game

I have been in my schools chess club for three years.

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