• Member Since 5th May, 2022
  • offline last seen 45 minutes ago


Hi. It's gapty. Read a fic today. Or don't. They're both the same to me. Just don't tell knighty I said that.

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Blog Posts

  • Friday
    Very, very stupid mistake

    So I did mention how I made a chess melee Puzzle Generator.

    I did it two times: One time in Python with a chess library, the other time on top of my Melee solver written in Pascal from scratch.

    Well, I am currently working even more on something with these chess puzzles, but that's not what I wanted to talk about.

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  • Monday
    Did a thing

    So I have a fic sitting there waiting to be edited. I also have things to do for my degree.

    So what did I do the past two days?

    Reimplement my chess melee puzzle generator in Lazarus/Pascal, building on the solver one I have written from scratch :applejackconfused:

    That being said, it's worth noting the speed difference between these two puzzle generators. For generating 100 puzzles with 11 pieces, the python one takes 5 times longer than my Lazarus one.

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  • Sunday

    Just saw a Youtube short where a woman says in an interview "if the sun is too hot, why don't we go when it's night?" followed by the reaction of some people.

    Now, the silent stares as a reaction was fine per se. It's a played reaction purely on the statement.

    What annoyed me were the comments under the video.

    "Fly to the sun at night" is a relatively popular joke. Probably even very old. And yet, not a single one came to the idea that the woman was clearly joking.

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  • 6 days
    Mystery—Personal Observations

    I did mention at some point how I struggle to watch or get into something new.

    Well, after this I decided to start something, not one, but two anime series (another was also tried, but was nothing for me).

    This isn't a review of the series I watched, but something I observed about myself in regards to the genre mystery/detective stories.

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  • 1 week
    Even further Melee-Progress

    Another blog post today? Huh?

    Read part 1 here, because I will continue without any explaination.

    So I found an even better approach for generating sizes bigger even than the puzzle site offers—mostly because I tried to generate a melee puzzle with 18 pieces and after more than half an hour it still couldn't come up with one.

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Comments ( 27 )
  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27

This made me spit my water xD

Hilarious.:rainbowlaugh: I'll have to drop those in my read later just for that.


Random? Who you're calling random? I wrote two fics where she's the main character! She's Velvet Sky, a random background student—


That's got to be one of the better "random character screenshot" profile pics I've seen.

  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27
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