• Member Since 5th May, 2022
  • offline last seen 8 minutes ago


Hi. It's gapty. Read a fic today. Or don't. They're both the same to me. Just don't tell knighty I said that.

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  • Tuesday
    Life Advice

    Sometimes, you don't know what to do. Or stand between two choices.

    In that case, just ask yourself: What would Trixie do?

    Then do the opposite.

    4 comments · 30 views
  • Monday
    Memories Bring Back Memories

    Ah, social media, being part of communities. Sometimes, one wishes them back. Create back your Discord account and rejoin servers.

    But then I remember how several people actively had to point out how EqG "ruined characters", "was bad/boring", "just a cash grab/a high school monster copy" and mentioned all this on every occasion possible—many times even unprompted. And of course they were just "joking". Every day.

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    6 comments · 48 views
  • Friday
    New Trixie Fic Out!

    Yep. I published a new Trixie fic. It's even an EqG one , the superiour show :trixieshiftright:

    ESore Throat
    Despite losing her voice due to a sore throat, Trixie has to go to school today. It shouldn’t affect her daily life much.
    gapty · 2.3k words  ·  116  3 · 980 views

    Anyway, despite only being up for about 12 hours, it climbed up to the top featured spot, and I want to thank all of you for the huge support you give with this fic!

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    5 comments · 60 views
  • 6 days
    Don't Play Chess With Trixie

    Because no matter how good you are, she will place playing cards on the board and strut around like she won anyway.

    0 comments · 23 views
  • 1 week

    Sometimes I get ideas for a story.

    Then I remember I would have to write them and the idea is gone :trixieshiftright:

    1 comments · 25 views
Comments ( 27 )
  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27

This made me spit my water xD

Hilarious.:rainbowlaugh: I'll have to drop those in my read later just for that.


Random? Who you're calling random? I wrote two fics where she's the main character! She's Velvet Sky, a random background student—


That's got to be one of the better "random character screenshot" profile pics I've seen.

  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27
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