• Member Since 9th Dec, 2021
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Kevin McCallister

You can mess with a lot of things, but you can't mess with kids on Christmas.🌟🎄

Blog Posts


Hi Ya Pal we outsmarted ya this time. · 4:23am Dec 13th, 2023

Report Kevin McCallister · 98 views ·

My Top 17 Favorite Movies.

1.Home Alone 2 Lost in New York 1992
2.Home Alone 1 1990
3.BTTF2 1989
4.BTTF1 1985
5.BTTF3 1990
6. Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory 1971
7. Planes Trains and Automobiles 1987
8. National Lampoon's Christmas vacation 1989
9. Die Hard 1988
10. Ferris Buller's Day Off 1986
11. National Lampoon's Vacation 1983
12. Who framed Roger Rabbit 1988
13. The Mask 1994
14. The Wizard of Oz 1939
15. Dumb and Dumber 1994
16. Weekend at Bernie's 1989
17. Ghostbusters 1984


Hi Ya Pal we outsmarted ya this time. · 4:23am Dec 13th, 2023

Report Kevin McCallister · 98 views ·
Comments ( 192 )
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Thank you for the favorite!

Thanks for the fave...

Thanks for the favorite.:twilightsheepish:

Thanks for the fave on The Conference Call! :pinkiehappy:

thanks for the fav, and I love your name btw

  • Viewing 188 - 192 of 192
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