• Member Since 19th Sep, 2012
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MLP artist and fanfic writer. Known for Flurry Heart's Story and My Little Sister is a Dragon. Please follow my Deviant Art (AleximusPrime) to see artwork of the characters in my stories.


chapter 4... · 12:23am July 7th

I'm working on Ch 4 of Ghost of Grogar right now. It was going to be a scene with the dragons and then a scene with the kids, but it got too long so I think I'll split it. I don't always need to have long chapters.

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Flurry Heart's Story

Season 1

Episode 1: Elements Assemble!
Tired of her boring life in the Crystal Empire, Flurry Heart is called to Ponyville. She quickly finds herself thrust into adventure as the townsfolk are threatened by a red, horned monster.

Episode 2: Cheesy as Pie
Flurry Heart and the Cake Twins help Cheese Sandwich get ready to propose to Pinkie Pie, but he starts to wonder if he can even do it right.

Episode 3: Calming of the Storm
Flurry Heart meets Rainbow Dash’s son, Storm Streak, but his daring, mischievous ways end up getting him into trouble.

Episode 4: Villains Anonymous
Princess Twilight Sparkle tasks Fluttershy, Discord, Spike and Flurry Heart with reforming an unexpectedly repentant Lord Tirek, who is holding a dark secret about his motives.

Episode 5: Apple Family Memories
Flurry Heart is introduced to Applejack’s twins, Apple Chip and Annie Smith, but they are having a hard time coping with the loss of their late great-grandmother, Granny Smith.

Episode 6: Dream of Alicornication
Cozy Glow returns once again, aided by her parents and the Alicorn Amulet, to get revenge and Flurry Heart must find a way to stop her.

INTERQUEL STORY: They Can't Stay Encased in Stone Forever
Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis awaken to find they have been released from stone and narrowly escape Twilight's guards. They quickly begin plotting revenge, but can they come to an agreement on what to do next? (This takes place during the events of "Elements Assemble")

Episode 7: Let My Ponies Go!
While Flurry Heart and her friends are vacationing in Southern Equestria, they meet Somnambula who is studying clues leading to a mysterious temple where she finds an old friend.

Episode 8: Tirek vs Scorpan
Tirek returns to his homeland, the Midnight Kingdom, to get revenge on his brother King Scorpan. Meanwhile, Flurry Heart is called by the Cutie Map to deal with a friendship problem in the Midnight Kingdom.

Episode 9: Fillie Jean
Flurry Heart and Pumpkin Cake get a chance to meet their favorite pop-singer, Night Shade, but they soon realize he’s not as good of a pony as they expected.

Episode 10: Go North, Young Dragon
A familiar dragon arrives in Ponyville to give Spike some news that will change his life forever.

Episode 11: Oh Mother, Where Art Thou?
The parents of young ponies across Equestria are mysteriously disappearing. A powerful being calling herself the “Sorceress” appears, claiming responsibility and must be stopped with the Elements of Harmony.

Episode 12: The Perfect Storm Streak
Storm Streak is mad that he cannot enjoy some of the rides at his favorite theme park due to his age, so he searches for a mysterious artifact that he believes can turn him into an adult.

Episode 13: My Big Fat Pink Wedding
Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich are preparing for their wedding, but not all is as it seems and Flurry Heart starts to wonder if there is another changeling invasion going on.

Season 2

Episode 1: The Ghost of Grogar
While Spike has a night out with his siblings, Flurry Heart and her friends have a sleepover in the now-renovated Harmony Clubhouse tree, but their bickering welcomes in a very powerful ghost that seeks to turn them all against one another.

Episode 2: Sound and Flurry (yet to be released)
Flurry Heart joins a singing class and reconnects with Allegra, but it becomes evident Allegra is just using Flurry for her own gain.

Episode 3: Worth Two in the Bushwooly (yet to be released)
The Teachers are summoned by a race of adorable, fuzzy creatures called “bushwoolies” to help them out. Buttercream happily tags along.

Episode 4: Changeling My Mind (yet to be released)
Discord gets other former villains together to start a Villains Anonymous session for Chrysalis, but can they talk any amount of sense into the diabolical changeling queen?

Episode 5: Piece of Pumpkin Cake (yet to be released)
Pumpkin Cake is preparing to enter a baking contest with Buttercream helping her out, but things don’t go as planned.

Episode 6: Rotten to the Core (yet to be released)
Apple Chip and Annie Smith endure bullying from one of their classmates in Ponyville. Annie’s kind nature doesn’t help make him stop so Chip considers drastic measures to deal with the bully.

Episode 7: Do As I Say, Not As I Daring Do (yet to be released)
Flurry Heart and her friends go to see the new Daring Do movie in theaters. Storm Streak loves the movie, but his friendship with Pound Cake is shaken when he finds out Pound hates it.

Episode 8: Rubble Trouble (yet to be released)
Spike’s grandfather Rubble arrives in Nordo Dracos just as Flurry Heart and her friends are visiting, but there’s just one problem: Rubble hates ponies.

Episode 9: Pearls Before Swine (yet to be released)
With only days away from the Grand Galloping Gala, Rarity is finishing a huge order for her newest client, Princess Porcina, but Flurry and her friends start to wonder if Porcina has something dastardly going on.

Episode 10: TBA

Episode 11: TBA

Episode 12: TBA

Episode 13: TBA

My Little Sister is a Dragon

A young unicorn named Nightwatch is venturing out in the forest one day when he finds a mysterious egg. His life changes instantly when the egg hatches and reveals a baby female dragon that quickly imprints on him. He takes it back to his parents and convinces them to adopt the dragon which he names Buttercream. Nighty and Butter grow up as brother and sister, having many adventures and getting into all sorts of shenanigans. Their first adventure starts on the night of the return of Nightmare Moon, where they encounter a cult of fanatical bat ponies, a dark society of Tambelonian sorcerers, Princess Luna herself, and a deadly ancient robot on the loose. This sets the stage for a whole slew of adventures the sibling duo go through while a certain purple unicorn and her friends have their experiences on the side.

Nightwatch and Buttercream come across a lost little dragon named Lily who claims to be from the land of Ester Dracos, where the serpentine Eastern Drakes live. They embark on an adventure to return Lily to her homeland and end up coming face to face with the powerful leader of Ester Dracos, Emperor Antirrhinum, who may have knowledge about Buttercream's species. While Nightwatch does some research, Buttercream ends up in a huge predicament that could endanger Ester Dracos and all the new friends she's made!

Comments ( 105 )
  • Viewing 101 - 105 of 105

Yeah, I figured that Stormy would probably try to emulate this look his mother did all those years ago. You are 20% cooler now kid!

Btw, do you want to have a more private conversation with me in my PM? I don’t exactly want to clog up the comments section here.

Yeah, I saw that one on Twitter a few days ago. He inherited those glasses from his mother! :3

Well isn’t he looking dapper. Art not mine, I just randomly found it on Derpibooru.

So long as i am credited and there is a link to the original, i am fine with it. I don’t know Russian so i can’t read it, but I’m glad others who do will be able to enjoy the story! :)

No, in the Russian-language "Ficbooks"

  • Viewing 101 - 105 of 105
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chapter 4... · 12:23am July 7th

I'm working on Ch 4 of Ghost of Grogar right now. It was going to be a scene with the dragons and then a scene with the kids, but it got too long so I think I'll split it. I don't always need to have long chapters.

Report AleximusPrime · 78 views ·

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