• Member Since 19th Sep, 2012
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MLP artist and fanfic writer. Known for Flurry Heart's Story and My Little Sister is a Dragon. Please follow my Deviant Art (AleximusPrime) to see artwork of the characters in my stories.



This story is a sequel to Flurry Heart’s Story: Go North, Young Dragon

One morning, tons of young ponies across Equestria wake up to find their parents gone. Once Flurry Heart realizes that all her friends' parents are missing too, she fears for the safety of Shining Armor and Cadance. She eventually comes face to face with a powerful dark alicorn that resembles Nightmare Moon who calls herself the "Sorceress". Having experienced the possession of a nightmare once before, Princess Luna shows up to battle this horrifying creature, hoping to find out who she is and why she is doing this. Can the Sorceress be stopped or will every pony child in Equestria lose their mothers and fathers for good?

Inspired by the official show, this is part of a fan-made sequel series I created called "Flurry Heart's Story", which documents the adventures of Flurry Heart as she makes friends and faces new and familiar villains, some of which may still be redeemable.

Next story: The Perfect Storm Streak

Flurry Heart's Story and its author are in no way associated with Hasbro or any of the creative team behind My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. This series is entirely fan-made and is created in honor of the official show. No copyright infringement is intended or encouraged. Please support the official release.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 267 )
Comment posted by Blazewing deleted Feb 25th, 2023

We're already starting off on an ominous note. I feel so sorry for those poor kids, their parents suddenly disappearing, when they were right there with them a moment ago. They must be so scared...
And oh crapbaskets, it didn't even click with me until now: we have members of the Mane 6 who are parents now, so now Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Tex, and Thunderhead are gone, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Cake. I wondered if grandparents would be included as well, but it looks like this fiend's only targeting the parents of young foals.
If that's the case, and given the fact that Buttercream was just alluding to a certain filly, then I have a couple of theories on who this Sorceress might be...
One: It's Cozy Glow's true mother, taking revenge for her daughter's defeat.
Two: It's Cozy Glow herself, corrupted by some dark force and enacting her own revenge.

I wrote the last scene in this chapter so that they would initially think someone is after the Mane Six until Pinkie comes in and lets them know their parents are missing too plus Twilight send them a letter. It's obvious right now that it's not the Mane Six, but yes, it is just the parents of young kids, not grandparents. Also, Big Mac is still around because he and Sugar Belle haven't had a kid yet, though I like to think Suger Belle might be pregnant right now.

And good observation on Buttercream asking about Cozy Glow with perfect timing. It's obvious she's going to be in this story since she's in the cover art, but only time will tell what role she has to play...

Awesome start for a new story! A mystery villain taking the parents of children mwahaha :moustache:

At first I thought most adults would disappear but now I see why that isn’t the case. Makes sense not wanting a country in flames with children without any adults watching them. Can’t wait to see the Crystal Empire since it’s been a long time since you wrote about it.

oh we got the singer she was mentioned Melody Heartsong which it’s to bad it’s not the same mare from MLP Tales that would been a cool reference with Sweet Music. Anyways, I have a feeling… she is a key to Cozy Glow… also felt like this villain might be Nightmare Der… I mean Cozy :rainbowwild:

Cozy is trying to replace the parents she never had.

“Oh no, they haven’t disappeared, dear. Parents don’t just do that. Don’t worry; your parents will be there for you. They’ll come back.”

If only she knew what was happening because something is much bigger than this and something tells me things are going to get really bad soon 😥

Ominous start to this story, also it seems not all adults are taken away cause Pinkie was there not to mention Grandparents plus Big Mac as well! Also it was cool seeing Buttercream joining in on this tale as well! :yay: Is she gonna be a semi-regular on these FHS tales from here on? I wouldn't mind to be honest since now both dragon sibs can tackle any future trails coming on! :moustache:

Looking forward to the next chapter Alex! :twilightsmile:

Chip and Annie ran in with their uncle Big Macintosh next to them. They looked very worried.

I kind of guessed that Big Macintosh and sugar belle didn't get affected since they're not parents yet

“Hey, everypony! Has anyone seen Mr. and Mrs. Cake around? They’re playing the craziest game of hide and seek!” said a familiar voice behind them.

Well that ruled out that theory about the elements being targeted

Well Pinkie and Cheese haven't had any kids yet so that's why she's still here. Only the parents of young kids are going, not grandparents who's kids are older, though some might be losing their kids now.

Yeah, Butter will be a main character in the series now. I'm not sure if she'll be in every single story, but she'll be as recurring as Spike, so definitely a lot. :)

“I don’t know, but this is one twisted villain we’re dealing with today.”

Especially a new villain and a returning villain as well

Wow the story really escalated so quickly but very interesting so far everything was just normal for Equestria but until ponies and creatures of young kids reported that their parents gone missing and they have no idea what was going on and it looks like it hit really hard in Ponyville and apparently Twilight gave the news about The Disappearance of the parents from an unknown creature and whoever that was is kidnapping them for some odd reason and flurry heart is worried about her parents since they are the king and queen of the Crystal Empire things will go out of control so she needs to give back there hopefully everything's okay over there but I wonder who could be kidnapping all these parents and why I guess we'll find out next time

This situation kind of reminds me of an episode of the Justice League the adults disappeared from the earth while the children's are still there and kind of the same thing as Jimmy Neutron movie when the aliens kidnapped the adults as well

We barley know anything about the Sorceress so far, but she has certainly made a terrifying impression already. Making every parent across Equestria disappear into thin air is certainly an impressive feat, especially since we don't know if they are kidnapped or just gone. I can't imagine how scared these kids are at losing their parents, and can understand Flurry panicking and wanting to go make home in case things are in disarray without her mom and dad.

It is fortunate that whatever the Sorceress did, it only affected parents and not grownups in general. So any capable and responsible adult can step up and try to keep the kids safe until their parents are safely returned to them. That means even though Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and their husbands are gone, the rest of the Mane 6 are still around to keep the peace. It is also fortunate Big Mac and Sugar Belle don't have their son yet, so they are safe too. I admit that ordinarily I prefer to see Twilight as Spike's mother instead of older sister, but in this case the latter relationship is a blessing. But speaking of Spike, I am a bit worried about his Dragon family, especially Chara and Smite. If whatever is happening in Equestria spreads to the rest of the world, if it hasn't already, they could disappear too.


The parents aren't gone forever, they're being imprisoned right now in a pocket dimension. There's a reason why the Sorceress is going after the parents of young pony children specifically, and don't worry, it's only ponies...for now.

No spoiler to think about it. Its Cozy Glow who is getting rid of every parent. I mean Flurry got her to destroy her fake parents, she would make her and all her friends as revenger for taking her happiness from her plus her growing up alone; seeing all those happy kids with their parents and watching them as a statue only add more hatred. Also how many chapter will The Sorceress will decide to remove Step-parents, grandparents and maybe Aunts & Uncles?

I dunno, a lot of people seem to think this is Cozy's mom. Someone even said this is Opaline and she is Cozy's mom. Imagine if they revealed that in G5!

Well... there might be... another theory of another Cozy Glow. I'm not taking about her reflection. I'm talking about if Cozy Glow has a little S-I-S-T-E-R that learned of her existence and is furious of her parents and Equestria's heroes for making her suffer. Its a possibility.

That's another very interesting theory!

Yup. Having all the children of Equestria all become orphans in one day will produce terrible results.

Poor kids. Based on the title art, I don't think Cozy's necessarily doing this on purpose if she's involved. I just wonder if this new evil alicorn thing is her corrupted like when she tried to take all the bell's magic herself or if its a new character.

You'll see what importance Cozy has and why she's in the cover art like that.

I really like your stories and I look forward to the continuation. :twilightsmile:

I just opened an account. Can I change the username?

You can it should be in the settings

When will the continuation of your story be sent?:fluttershysad:

Um... the next chapter of the story....

I apologize if I wrote wrong. My language is not English. I use a translator.:fluttercry:

Oh. Well it hasn’t been out long enough for you to worry when the next chapter will release. I try to release a chapter every Saturday.

Well... talk about a troubling start.

Children getting lost from their parents is terrifying enough, but children getting lost from their parents because some sort of monstrous being of dark magic is coming up and taking them away somewhere has to be a hundred times worse than even the bare basics of that scenario. The horror conveyed by all the children, from the foals at Melody's concert to Chip and Annie, was greatly conveyed, and I dearly hope they get their parents back as soon as possible.

Also, good on Twilight, Spike, Buttercream and Big Mac for taking charge like they did - this is the sort of situation that very much calls for responsible adults to step up and take care of things to the best of their ability. At least the town and the kingdom are in good hooves/claws with them, even if they can't find whoever is taking the children yet.

Now the question is who... and why...

And for that matter, whether she would only take parents. It's true that Twilight mentions she's only taking pony parents, and of young children at that, but even if she's stopping at ponies, one can't help but wonder if she would also take grandparents and uncles and aunts who might be caring for young children whose parents passed away. Or if she would also take adoptive parents in addition to biological ones.

Granted, given who I'm now thinking she is (having since revised the theory I first proposed in DeviantArt), perhaps her specific beef is with biological parents... but who knows, maybe she will extend it to others. Hopefully not, though, because there's already enough children suffering as is.

Regardless of how far her grudge goes, though, I'm definitely already invested in this story, and spooky as it may be, it's greatly done spookiness! I'm very much enjoying it, and looking forward to the next chapter!

Right now the Sorceress is only planning on going after the parents of young pony children. I could have her go after other guardians, but right now I don't want to overcomplicate it, but given the nature of how this character has changed her mind in the past and moved on to other targets, I wouldn't put it past her. (hint hint)

Dang, this *Sorceress* really plowing though everyone no matter who's in the way!:pinkiegasp: The way she's using Cozy's to do all this really rubbing me the wrong way, can't wait to see her/it get it's just desserts!:twilightangry2:

:raritycry: have to wait a week for a new chapter nooooo!!!

Speculation! Just placing spoilers here :twilightblush:
makes me wonder… what if the reason why they can’t find Cozy’s parents because they haven’t existed in this time period or alien? Sure, the world is a huge place so they probably were outside of the nation but there’s definitely time travel which what if… during the Twilight vs Starlight fight that somehow Cozy was brought from a timeline that now is gone. That would be an interesting twist.

So, the truth comes out, and it's what I feared the most: the Sorceress is Cozy Glow, corrupted by bitterness and hatred, just as Luna had been when she became Nightmare Moon, or when Stygian became the Pony of Shadows. It's only fitting, then, that Luna's the one who battles her and tries to bring her back to her senses. The Sorceress may claim that Cozy no longer exists, but Luna knows better, because she's been through the exact same thing herself.
Even so, despite all of the horrible things Cozy's done, you can't help but pity her. She literally had nothing else in her life, no one to give her hope of a better life, and so she feels that if she can't have the parents she feels she deserves, no foal should...
I still wonder why she would have been abandoned and left at an orphanage. Did her parents not want her, or did something happen that left them no choice but to leave her? Either way, it's going to take some doing to reach the real Cozy buried beneath the Sorceress.


So a NMM/Tentabus creature thing managed to posses Cozy when she was at her weakest and gave her an edgy phase while stealing parents based on Cozy's frustration at not having them. I do wonder how long was it doing this? Since your last story with her or before? Maybe it latched on to the statue waiting for the release to do the possession?

That is quite an interesting villain idea. Let's hope the nightmare thing didn't inherit Cozy's intellect. If Luna saw Cozy's nightmares, why didn't she try to stop them before she could get processed?

I always thought alicorns turn wicked when they get jealous.

So, the truth is revealed, and it's pretty much what I've predicted.

This is really starting to get interesting, I can't wait for more.

With Luna taking an active role, it's a wonder she retired with Celestia in the first place

“Hehehe. Thanks for showing me the way in, Princess,” she said.

Oh shoot that thing followed her but how and where did she attached to

“HA! I’m not here for the girl, silly dragon. I’m here for one thing and one thing only: to strip all young children in Equestria of their parents. All parents belong to the Sorceress now!”

You evil monster 😡

“Hehehehe! Oh Golly. Looks like you’ve finally figured it out!”

what kind of magic she has

“Really that bad?! Of course things were bad! You’ve seen all the things I’ve done: how I nearly rid all of Equestria of its magic, how I joined up with that psychotic changeling queen and that power-hungry centaur, how I took over all of Ponyville with my fake parents when I put on the alicorn amulet!”

Well that's your own fault kid you made those choices and we had to stop you of your evil way

Oh my gosh things really is getting tough situation here so flurry heart and Spike had to make it to the Crystal Empire to see if her parents are okay which they are but unfortunately the shadow creature took Shining Armor and Cadence and it finally showed itself known as the Sorceress but apparently what we found out turns out it was cozy glow but she was being possessed either that shadow creature like Nightmare Moon or the pony of shadow like what happened to Stygian and apparently the Sorceress is taking every kid's parents to make them feel how cozy glow felt and Luna came to stop her and tried to reason with her but unfortunately she didn't want to listen and she continues fighting with Luna and basically kidnapping every parents and probably she's going to kidnap not just only the ponies but other creatures parents as well just to make them feel the same and right now she's becoming more dangerous than ever kidnapping the parents and they need to stop her well I hope they figure it out either to save cozy glow from herself will find out next time

I knew it! The Sorceress is Cozy Glow! She has become corrupted just like Luna was corrupted into Nightmare Moon. That's why the Sorceress reminded me of Nightmare Moon so much. It also explains why she is taking away all the parents of young children, because she is making them suffer the same thing she did; not having any loving parents to take care of them.

I like the dynamic between Luna and Cozy here. Not only is the Sorceress Cozy's equivalent of Luna's Nightmare Moon, but Luna herself has been developed as being a friend of all children since her return. Part of the reason Cozy was considered to be beyond redemption to some was because her crimes were so bad, it made Luna personally punish her, be it locking her away in Tartarus or turning her and the rest of the Legion to stone. But now, with Cozy's actions affecting all children across Equestria, I can only assume this is getting a bit personal for Luna, and we'll see if Luna can help get through to Cozy this time.

She's going to be quite a problem for everybody. How to stop her won't be what you think it is.

Well now, that's an interesting theory...

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