Check out this fangame! · 9:34pm Nov 26th, 2023
Guys, this looks really good!
Was PlatinumPony. Older Brony since Tales/G3 Days. Thinking of writing stories for fun.
Guys, this looks really good!
Hello, my name is StarzGecko. I was once PlatinumPony if you have seen me in the comments for many stories I have read and liked over the years. I have been a Brony since the start of Season 3 and watched the first two seasons on YouTube I like many episodes and seasons but not the end of S9...
Anyways, if you are wondering if I will write my own stories that have been an idea for a very long time... I like stories that are wholesome, fun, and similar to the show. But I don't read stories on things I don't agree with.
I have been on the site since 2015 which was 7 years ago! Crazy how time goes by. I hope you all enjoy the stories that I like and share with others.
No, I understand, I just didn’t read the notification correctly. I thought it was in favorite bookshelf.
But if it’s in read later bookshelf, then you can check it out when you want to.
It’s actually in “Read it Later” folder so I can check it out. Sorry for the confusion
Thank you for putting my story how vinyl scratch met Stevie Wonder into your favorite, I hope that you will enjoy the other two stories in the series as well.
I think I forgot too though I made a habit of not clicking the favorite button till I am sure the story will finish since it was making me sad to see many stories I followed always end up never updated again.