• Member Since 9th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 6th, 2022


Full time writer and unabashed fan of ponies! Need I say more?


Hello, and oops! :3 · 8:54am Jun 25th, 2015

Hey everypony! :3

So, I've recently started to update this page with all the pony stories I've written thus far; the intent being that many more will follow. I did unfortunately encounter one small hiccup, in that I assumed 'cover art' was to be used simply as a thumbnail; a visual way for people to identify who a certain story was written by. As such I used my OC pony, Islay Mist, as the thumbnail for all three of my latest uploads.


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Comments ( 4 )
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1883086 I did? Aww! <3 Well, you have more watchers than me here! :P So Imma stalk you. :D

I stalk you on FA and imma stalk you here. You did get me into writing after all.

Welcome to the site.
I'm looking forward to reading your stories.


Are you jeeves on FA?

Chances are good.

Are you jeeves on FA?

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