• Member Since 9th Aug, 2018
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Venomous Pie

This is Venomous Pie, also known as The Floof King. I am the owner of a floofy dimension that's meant to bring peace and comfort for anyone in need. I am also an alchemist and run my own potion shop.

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  • 300 weeks
    Sequel to "The Unlucky Flower"

    First, thank you guys for the support you have given me for the story "The Unlucky Flower", it means a lot to me.

    Now to the main subject of the blog, I'm happy to announce that a sequel to the Unlucky Flower is in development. I'm unable to determine when it will be released, but it will be a multiple chapter story. I'll keep you posted on my progress, which at this point is starting on the first chapter and is trying to come up with a title for it.

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    1 comments · 286 views
  • 300 weeks
    Why "Journey into the Floof" has been deleted?

    Hey guys, this is Venomous Pie, the Floof King, with an update. You might be aware that my first story, "Journey into the Floof" has been deleted from the site, and I bet you are wondering why. Well, the reason I did this is because thanks to some advice from my friends, who are long time friends of mine, I've decided to remake the story from the ground up and improve on the flaws that the original version had. I'll credit the proof reader when the story gets submitted, which will be very soon

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    15 comments · 566 views

Sequel to "The Unlucky Flower" · 7:48pm Oct 25th, 2018

First, thank you guys for the support you have given me for the story "The Unlucky Flower", it means a lot to me.

Now to the main subject of the blog, I'm happy to announce that a sequel to the Unlucky Flower is in development. I'm unable to determine when it will be released, but it will be a multiple chapter story. I'll keep you posted on my progress, which at this point is starting on the first chapter and is trying to come up with a title for it.

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Comments ( 17 )
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Thanks for watching me

Thanks for the fave!

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