• Member Since 9th Apr, 2021
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


I'm not the greatest writer, but specialising on short and simple stories of cute ponies from MLP:FiM and G5. Just your fan from the UK.


100 Likes! · 7:34pm Mar 2nd, 2022

Thank you so very much for 100 likes on my story Prank Master! Your support and love of my writing mean the world to me in more ways than you could possibly imagine. The fact it's been hot/trending as well is also an added bonus.

This is my third one-shot story to have 100 likes, along with Uni-Pecker and Blame the Pink One

Hope I can keep the good writing pace and looking forward to writing more stories for all you readers to enjoy.

Blog Posts

  • 125 weeks

    Thank you so very much for 100 likes on my story Prank Master! Your support and love of my writing mean the world to me in more ways than you could possibly imagine. The fact it's been hot/trending as well is also an added bonus.

    This is my third one-shot story to have 100 likes, along with Uni-Pecker and Blame the Pink One

    Hope I can keep the good writing pace and looking forward to writing more stories for all you readers to enjoy.

    5 comments · 260 views
  • 136 weeks
    Writing Up Next.

    Hello everyone.

    New ideas are coming and plans are being made.

    Here's what to look forward to:

    You, You, and... You? (Comedy/ Slice of Life)- Featuring Twilight, Starlight, Spike and Ember
    Stylish Harvest (Comedy Slice/ Slice of Life)- Featuring Applejack and Rarity.

    I am also working on my first crossover story. Being a big Doctor Who fan as well as MLP, I wanted to get my creative juices running and do a one-off story:

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    2 comments · 363 views
  • 138 weeks
    Thank you for 100 followers

    Even though it may seem like not much, thank you so very much for 100 followers on Fimfic ^^

    I didn't know my stories would be that popular and I just write when studies are not too busy.

    Looking forward to writing more fun stories for you all to hopefully enjoy

    7 comments · 273 views
  • 153 weeks
    Busy Life, Moving Times

    I do hope you enjoyed both stories on my Fimfic.

    With the summer holidays ending and times getting busier with my new job, I wanted to see how far I could write both of them. Getting over 100 short chapters is a great target for me personally and I hope that you understand. My writing time has been short, but I do hope you understand that this was something to keep me sane during lockdown over the early summer before uni starts.

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    3 comments · 356 views
  • 154 weeks
    Vaccination and break

    I am taking a break from writing today as I just had my Covid-19 vaccination and the side effects are making my arm really numb to type anything.

    So sorry for the convenience


    2 comments · 340 views

Hello Old And New

Hello everyone.

You may know me from my DeviantArt account with the same name Quoterific
So I am writing fun stories here and then focusing on fun quotes on DA.

I am just writing for the fun of it. I'm not the greatest, but maybe you will enjoy my take on MLP: FiM and maybe move onto the New Generation.

I mostly specialise in small, simple, cute and fluffy one-off stories, focusing on light comedy and slice of life. I'm not much of a shipper, so romance/comedies are not my strong suit.

I hope you enjoy both of them.

(Profile by Brush-Prism DA)

I am autistic and a sensitive person, so please may I ask of you to be respectful and kind to me and others when commenting. Thank you and have an amazing day/night

Latest Stories

Comments ( 89 )
  • Viewing 85 - 89 of 89

Your stories look adorable. I'll have to check them out soon. Here's a preemptive follow cause I'm sure I'll like them.

Hope you're having a safe year, friend 😌

No problem and it was fun ^^ Both in reading and audio

Howdy howdy,

Just stopping by to say thank you for adding Wanted to your favorites!

Comment posted by Darth Wrex deleted Sep 18th, 2022
  • Viewing 85 - 89 of 89
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