• Member Since 25th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen 6 minutes ago

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Understanding my Updates and Uploads · 3:22am Jan 16th, 2018

Just so you understand, I update and upload stories when I feel like it, have free time, or if I manage to come up with an idea. Right, how I'm doing things, when it comes to new stories is seeing what people tend to like the most in terms of favoriting, following, comments, likes, and dislikes. While I do this for fun, I also want my stories to be noticed by people so my work amounts to something in that regard. So, when it comes to updates and I haven't updated in a while, don't ask me when I

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Comments ( 94 )
  • Viewing 90 - 94 of 94

Thanks for the fave on "Beach Bodies"!

I hope you enjoy the new story once you read it

Thanks for the favorites

Thank you for adding my story, Mayor, your list.

Thanks for adding my story to your list

  • Viewing 90 - 94 of 94
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