• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)


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I do commissions! See my Commissions Roster and Information Sheet for everything you need to know.

"If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it, or you must sign up for Dirty Little Secret's SubscribeStar and get him to write it for you." - Toni Morrison (paraphrased)

All onboard the dirty train! Because we are about to read some "bad" goodiness. -- Lazydrill

Dude. Never stop being awesome. -- Shachza

All hail the messiah of clop! --Mephiles

You.... I hate/ love you, you magnificent writer.:applejackunsure:I been reading your work for 2 years and no one has made me more "uggggghhhhhh" then you. I tip my hat to you:raritywink: --Yurick45

You are a true porn genius, and I always look forward to reading your stories. --WhispersInTheDark

Comments ( 507 )
  • Viewing 488 - 507 of 507

Yes, but they're expensive and take a long time to get done!
You can find all my commission information here.

Do you do comms not through patreon?

That one fanfic you did was really funny.

lol, you keep asking me how my day is going, only on the days when I'm publishing something...?

Hi are you having a good day today?

Yes those are my favorite MLP pairings and how is it going with you today?


is that your favorite MLP pairing

Far from it, lol! But the supporters get what the supporters want.

I just read this fanfic and it was really funny and kind of cute too well done and good job on this.

Oh okay and I made a Sparity fanfic and is that your favorite MLP pairing because that is mine along with SciTwi/Sunset Shimmer pairings too.

Oh okay cool and did you do anything fun at all today by the way?

Cool and are you working on other stories besides that too?

Oh okay cool and what are you publishing?

Yeah hi so how is it going with you today?

  • Viewing 488 - 507 of 507
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