Spike's Many Shippings 1,749 members · 3,705 stories

What more is there to say it's a group for Spike lovers everywhere. Ship Spike with every mare. :D

Comments ( 94 )
  • Viewing 75 - 94 of 94

Just recently got commissioned to write a piece about Spike going on a date with Sparkler and Raindrops specifically - looking at this group, I'm seeing where that request came from :P I'm uploading it soon, I'm happy to contribute so those last two pairings have a story to go along with them o7

Does anyone know the name of the story, where possibly Fluttershy(or one of the mane) wears a collar that says “property of spike”?

I didn’t know WinterSoldier deleted all their works :(

Comment posted by SweetBathory deleted Jun 8th, 2023

uso el mismo nombre que tengo aquí y en la mayoría de mis redes
I use the same name that I have here and in most of my networks

Yo también hago traducciones en wattpad me podrías decir cual es tu nombre de usuario?

How come there’s no Spike x Limestone Pie or Spike x Marble Pie folders?

Entendible, tenga buen día

tengo fanfiction y wattpad, allí ya he traducido algunos
I have fanfiction and wattpad, there I have already translated some

Aunque los traduzcas , a donde vas a subirlos? , en fimfiction no se permiten fic en otros idiomas, solo inglés

hola usuarios de este grupo, hace un buen tiempo que estoy aquí y me gusta lo que veo, y me preguntaba si es posible que me permitan traducir la mayoría de los fics que están aquí?? obviamente les pongo los link de los autores a cada fics que publico (si me dieron su permiso)
hello users of this group, I've been here for a long time and I like what I see, and I was wondering if it is possible that you allow me to translate most of the fics that are here?? obviously I put the links of the authors to each fics that I publish (if they gave me their permission)

Comment posted by SweetBathory deleted Jun 15th, 2022

Wow, such an archive and no Spike x Gabby section. Did people seriously not watch that episode or something?

How come there isn't a Spike x Coloratura (Rara) shipping folder?

Grammar, grammar, grammar. Honestly, if a story is readable you already stand out in a good way.

I’ve been trying to write my own stories and post them here. Can anyone gives me any pointers and tips to start out?

Comment posted by Star love deleted Dec 26th, 2021

I think there should be a Spike x Cozy Glow shipping folder, where he reforms her or ends up broken hearted from her being evil

  • Viewing 75 - 94 of 94