• Member Since 9th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday



Incoming Story · 7:21pm Jan 6th, 2013

Hello Everypony

I'm writing on a new Story at the Moment (Archmage Twilight Sparkle the Wise), and I'm looking for a new pre-reader now.

What he must be able to do:
1. Find mistakes in my text which I haven't found

What would be good if he has it:
1. Knowledge how to write awsome and Interessting
2. Likes to rub every single group of mistakes under my nose, I still have to learn a lot:D

yeah, so it could be about merely everypony out there.


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Comments ( 46 )
  • Viewing 42 - 46 of 46

really? that's not really one of my better fics (in my opinion). but i'm glad you like it all the same. hopefully you like whatever else i write.

Your latest Gleaming Shield story is the reason I'm following you with interest.

thanks for the watch, and which of my fics do you like so far?

Thanks for the fave on "A Rosy Dream."

Heya, thank you kindly for the follow :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 42 - 46 of 46
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