• Member Since 14th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen July 17th

Azure Sandora

I write sins... NOT tragedies. Link to Patreon


Does anyone have a cure for soul crushing depression and misery? · 3:31pm June 16th

Because I seriously need it. Life is wearing me out.

Report Azure Sandora · 105 views ·

Newest Horse Words

A Fair Warning of my Content

Do you see this horse here?

A warning to all readers, she ALWAYS has the hardest time in my works. If you see Rarity, and she's in a starring role (which she will probably be as she's my favorite character) expect me to torture her in some way psychologically.

Current Status:

Lunar Engagement: working on it, but got stuck on chapter 3.
Ultramare: Have ideas for future episodes, will post them up when they're written.
Inner Demons II: Cancelled. Don't ask about it anymore, please.
Tales of Equestria: Want to continue, but afraid to. Don't know if it's any good.
Metal Gear Sonata of Faith: Also want to continue, but stuck on chapter 3. Might need to play Metal Gear Solid again...

Comments ( 316 )
  • Viewing 312 - 316 of 316
Comment posted by Karmalord21 deleted May 28th

Welcome to the group.

3163532 Alright. I was wondering. Thanks!:twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 312 - 316 of 316
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Does anyone have a cure for soul crushing depression and misery? · 3:31pm June 16th

Because I seriously need it. Life is wearing me out.

Report Azure Sandora · 105 views ·