• Member Since 10th Dec, 2013
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Shazam 25

I'm a guy who loves Video Games and is a Brony. I get different ideas for the mane six and mostly into game crossovers.


What was this person thinking? · 7:03pm 6 hours ago

I just wanted a video that mentioned a person threatening Nintendo in Tokyo all because he was bad at Spaltoon 3. The video could explain a bit more than I can.

So, the person canceled a gaming event because he was bad at a game? He's already been caught and is sentenced to one year in prison. After making 39 bomb threats to Nintendo in Tokyo. Here's hoping that Japan never has to deal with that again.

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Chapter 17 of Pony Rangers is done now. Chapter 18 is being worked on now.

Nothing much and how is it going with you today and this is the fanfic I am doing with an co author. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/529125/pony-rangers This is the fanfic right here it already has 16 chapters already and waiting on my co author to finish Chapter 17.

3418925 Hey. What's up?

Hi how was your day today?

Oh okay that is fine and great and hope you have a great day today.

3230424 It was fine. Sorry about the PMs. I saw them but didn't feel like answering them. I do sometimes get a little busy with other things at times.

Hi how was your day today and did you get the new PMS I sent you before today?

Comment posted by FluttershyRocks deleted Jan 3rd, 2023

Oh okay that sounds great it will be really cool if it did really happen though and can you think of what Element Pony Rangers you would want in the story? I already know my pony rangers would be the ones I have in the story I sent you in PM.

3229916 It might be a bit tricky for me. I'm not on this site as I use to be. But depending on the idea, I'll try. That's all I can offer.

Comment posted by FluttershyRocks deleted Jan 2nd, 2023

I sent you the first chapter of the fanfic tell me what you think of it.

I am waiting on him making changes to the chapter.

Okay our version of your story should be uploaded any moment now so get ready I can’t wait to hear what you are going to say about it.

The first chapter should be uploaded as soon as the co author adds more to it and edits it then you can tell me what you think of it.

So you really like my first chapter of the rewrite of your original story and I made sure to make it different and also make it follow Season 2 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Yeah your welcome and yes I will let you know.

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