• Member Since 18th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Appearances are often decieving


Enter Crimson Cover Image Request! · 8:33pm Jun 10th, 2016

Hey, guys! I'm going to be totally honest with you. I am not an artist and that is why I have not made a cover for this fanfic. So I was wondering if you could make a cover for me? Please? Or you could just let it have no cover. Your choice!

Report milestails16 · 255 views · Story: Enter Crimson · #milestails16 #OC

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  • TEnter Crimson
    Ponyville has had many visitors. A zebra,a gryphon,a showoff,and even princesses. But what of this new visitor? Who is he? Where did he come from? How much will he affect Ponyville? How much will he affect Equestria?
    milestails16 · 18k words · 517 views
Comments ( 22 )
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Thank you for watching me

Thanks for the favorite in Inner Strength :twilightsmile:
Glad you enjoyed the horse drama :yay:

Your favorite has been cataloged! When my takeover of Equestria is complete, you and your bloodline will be spared! Thank you and goodnight!

Thank you for adding What They Expect to Give to your favorites! :heart:

I'm glad you like my story! :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22
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Enter Crimson Cover Image Request! · 8:33pm Jun 10th, 2016

Hey, guys! I'm going to be totally honest with you. I am not an artist and that is why I have not made a cover for this fanfic. So I was wondering if you could make a cover for me? Please? Or you could just let it have no cover. Your choice!

Report milestails16 · 255 views · Story: Enter Crimson · #milestails16 #OC