• Member Since 17th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 21st, 2022


Hey! My name's Dash! I'm a dude who likes writing crap. I don't use this website much anymore, but oh well.


Wowowow · 7:32am Aug 31st, 2018

Wowo looking through my old blogs made me realize how much I've changed. I was so . . . Whiny. Haha, okay, just here to say that I have one last MLP story in the making and stuff and it should be out sometime soon. Still gotta make the final draft and shut. Okay yeah bye.

Report SkyPieIsTheBest · 250 views ·


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Comments ( 313 )
  • Viewing 309 - 313 of 313

2263948 Pretty good. Why don't we PM each other?

2262307 Hey! Of course I remember you! We haven't talked for so long! I'm so sorry I haven't been on for so long. I've been writing but I've lost enthusiasm for all my stories on here.

1969101 NP! It was a great story!

Thanks for adding Out of the Cold to your library. I appreciate it! :twilightsmile:

Rush and Pony on!

Thanks for the cake! :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 309 - 313 of 313
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All my stories!


Wowowow · 7:32am Aug 31st, 2018

Wowo looking through my old blogs made me realize how much I've changed. I was so . . . Whiny. Haha, okay, just here to say that I have one last MLP story in the making and stuff and it should be out sometime soon. Still gotta make the final draft and shut. Okay yeah bye.

Report SkyPieIsTheBest · 250 views ·

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