• Member Since 24th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen November 20th

Blank Scroll

Hey, everypony. My name is Blank Scroll, or Scroll for short. Changed from Blazing Light. You can still call me Blaze.

Harmony's Guardians

Alright! So I'm rewriting this story because the direction didn't feel like it would continue. So I revamped it and so far it's coming along better. Standby while I hammer out some rough patches to bring you a better story that you all deserve.

Progress:Rewrite in progress. Standby...

Bio (Extended)

That "About Me" section or whatever is too short.

Anyway, I love the stories on this site. So many different authors and so much talented writings. I for one would like to think I'm a good enough editor to offer my services, but there are those who are better. Also, being a Brony as of earlier this year, I don't know much about everything out there. It seems like this is as good a place as any to start learning. Keep writing, you'll have at least one sure upvote here.

Oh and if you're wondering about the picture... I happen to like alicorns. And I tried not to copy anyone else's oc colors. If I did, it was completely unintentional.

Latest Stories

List of OCs

1) Blank Scroll
2) Moon Shadow
3) Moonlit Night
4) Dancing Embers
5) Night Shadow
6) Black Night
7) Sapphire Radiance
8) Flash Saber
9) Blue Jay
10) Cyclone Tempest
11) Storm Blade
12) Cloud Swirl
13) Swift Wind
14) "Mace"
15) Glittering Rubi
16) Crystal Venatici
17) Gentle Cypress
18) Shimmering Diamond
19) Strong Wing
20) Gentle Dawn
21) Shimmering Aura (Scroll's wife)
22) Solaris (Scroll's son)
23) Artemis (Solaris' wife)
24) Orion (Solaris' son)
25) Andromeda (Orion's wife)
26) Shadow Stryke
27) Steel Hoof
28) Amber Gleam
29) Spring Breeze
30) Sapphire Garnet
31) Sunny Flare
32) Obsidian Quartz


Moonlit's Journey

The writing for the story is coming and going as it pleases. So, that being said, The chapters will be taking time to complete. Don't be too expectant about the chapter release times. I promise to deliver as much quality as possible to all future chapters. Please comment with any suggestions or corrections. Welp... that's all I had to say. Have a pleasant day.

Update: On Hiatus...

Some Facts About Me

Name - Jordyn

Age - 27

Born - July 13, 1993

Sign - Cancer

Favorite Ponies - Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash

Favorite Villain - Discord

Hobbies - Video games (CoD: IW, For Honor, and Destiny on occasion), Anime (One Piece and similar to videogames; anything that seems interesting), and Writing.

I'm one of the nicest people you could meet randomly. I almost personify Loyalty and Generosity since I'm loyal to my friends and family and I usually try to help wherever I can, even with strangers. I love this site and the diversity on it, and even the strange, wacky people on it (Ryuku). I'm glad to be a Brony and love this fandom. Woo. Been a brony since January 2014. Wow 6 years already!

Style of Writing - Generally, I like Slice of Life stories. Maybe a collab with Moon about something will cross my mind occasionally as well.


Comments ( 308 )
  • Viewing 289 - 308 of 308

Why wouldn't I? It's amazing and I can't wait for more.

Thanks for adding Sunset in Azeroth to your favorites!

Thanks for the favorite

Thanks for the favorite

Thanks for the favorite, HNY

Your stuff is too good

Thanks for the favs

Thanks for the fav

Thanks for the favs.

Thanks for the fav.

Thanks for the fav. If you enjoy, leave a like and feel free to comment

Anytime. It looked like an interesting story so I faved it and can find it easier. Please let me know if you like my own stories though :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the fav. I hope you enjoy the rest of my works. Feel free to comment

  • Viewing 289 - 308 of 308
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