• Member Since 15th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


ko-fi | Reading is my hobby, writing is my pastime. Currently Unemployed. Donate to my ko-fi to help me out! Donations not mandatory but will be very appreciated.

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Hello, I had read your fanfiction when Sunset is a kunoichi and I truly love it.

I love the idea of Sunset shimmer in a grey world (by grey worlds, I meant ones who are quite messed up, but with good things, like the worlds of RWBY and Naruto) which I had been introduce to by SAPR and to a lesser extent yours.

Do you know others stories of Sunset in grey anime worlds ?

I honestly thought than Shiratama (it's his name right ? ) was a hyuga when I had seen his eyes, is he related to them ?

Between Ninjutsu and Senjutsu, Sunset magic (which now is far more close to her previous powers then the mere discretion and telekinesie powers than she had used before) is more close to what ? Because while bloodlines can explain a lot of things, unless you speak of the Sharingan shit-show and it's thousands of uses, the kekkei genkei cannot explain everything, but if Sunset powers are considered a melange of bloodlines ability enhanced/fusionned with a sort of uncontrolled Senjutsu, it could explain why without reveal too much.

What does her "adoptive father" actually think of her also ?

Hope you're doing well, it has been a while, but im free to chat again whenever you're feeling up with it.

Hope you're doing well though, and takin' it easy when you can.

Hope you are doing well. I know 2020 can get you down, and I know your stories have made my 2020 just a bit brighter.

Thanks for writing!

So are you done with your stories or are you still sorting yourself out?

  • Viewing 83 - 87 of 87
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