• Member Since 5th May, 2012
  • offline last seen July 7th

Blue Horizon

Sunset Shimmer is best human, pony, princess, and siren. Cleveland Browns, Cleveland Cavaliers, and Columbus Blue Jackets fan. Manga connoisseur and aficionado. Plot creator and wannabe writer.


Star Trek: Phoenix — Crew List (Season 2) · 10:39pm Aug 3rd, 2021

Hi everyone, this blog's purpose will be for the character cast for Season 2 of Star Trek: Phoenix. Since a lot of people were asking about having a character sheet public, I eventually was able to make one. So, this is organized as Rank - Name - Position, Uniform Color - Gender, Species. Note, some modifications may occur later.


Captain - James Liang - Captain, Red - M, Human

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Thank you very much for adding Aces High to your bookshelves. I’m glad you like it.

Ty for the spot in your library:twilightsmile:

Thanks for faving Another Chance Beyond the Door!

Thanks for the fave!!

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