• Member Since 2nd Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen July 14th


“You scared me there, you saucy witch!”

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Shhhh, don’t tell nobody · 7:47am Sep 22nd, 2021

Keep this between us, chapters are coming :raritywink:

Report MareDoVVell · 599 views · Story: Principal of Equestria ·
Comments ( 11 )
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Haha the day it came out I gave it a thumbs up but forgot to move it from read it later to favorites, noticed when I went to check if it had been updated yet

Thanks for favoriting Rules of Etiquette, I’m actually kinda surprised it wasn’t already there, lol :twilightsmile: the next chapter is coming up tomorrow and tbh I’m almost done with it in draft form.

That’s pretty awesome, thanks!

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Your story, This Can't Be Legal, was considered worthy of spreading around to as large an audience as possible.

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