• Member Since 1st Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 6th, 2020


Humanity has spent thousands of years perfecting the indoors, so why would we want to go outside?


It's been a bit · 11:25pm Mar 31st, 2019

It really has been a while, hasn't it? For the record if I ever say that I'm continuing to write again, assume that it wont happen in the end. I'd like to say that I might write stuff again but honestly I have no idea whether I will or not. I have a lot of ideas, as I usually do. But no real plans or motivation. I've come back to the site to find most of the stories I used to follow, dead. I left for so long.

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Report Lazy_ · 473 views · #THE RETURN


Welcome, everyone, to the show that never ends! My name is Ben, but you peeps can call me Night Fall. I've been on here since 2014 and have had some decent experience in writing horse-words since then.

Relax, take a chill pill. And feel free to explore the body of my work.

Fictional pieces (WARNING: May contain a lethal dose of pone!)

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Comments ( 156 )
  • Viewing 152 - 156 of 156

I wonder if you might come back soon?

Or did it turn out that you've.. passed away actually?
Kind of worried that authors of those who had fics left hanging might have passed on since it I found out a author just passed on a few years ago this whole time..

It's hard as hell dude, I was never great at Hollow Knight in the first place. Good enough to get through but I still have nightmares about NK Grimm and the Path of Pain.

What do you think about Godmaster? I'm currently enjoying it quite a bit.

Yeah, I should have considered that.

I mean, I was being melodramatic on purouse. But saying that you want someone who's willing to put effort into something for little to nothing in return, is not a very good way to get someone to draw you something. It's better to have friends who're artists for those kind of requests. Because I don't think anyone would do a detailed and unpaid commision. I tried it a long time ago... doesn't work.

  • Viewing 152 - 156 of 156
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