• Member Since 31st Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday

harts fire

Just sitting here on my fluffy reading storys.


nine years · 12:56pm Aug 31st, 2023

i find it hard to believe that it has been nine years that i have been on this amazing site.
and i can only guess at the amount of words i have read as some story i have read several times i know it is way over 50 million.
i have made several friends and help a few with story's in various ways.
ok yep i am rambling time to go.

Harts Fire

Report harts fire · 104 views ·

Comments ( 218 )
  • Viewing 214 - 218 of 218

right now i have been running short on good story's and i do really like Fallout story's. i see your story's are completed witch is a huge plus for me.
watch for the comments and you will se my feeling's when i start reading them.

i also play a few of the fallout games on PC.

Thank you for adding my stories Fallout Equestria Borderlands and Fallout Equestria: Repair Ponies to your watching for updates list. I hope you enjoy both of them.

yes this is a amazing story.

Thanks for adding Electro Swing to your favorites. I'm glad you enjoyed your time with it.

With it's length it's great you finished it. And I'm glad you liked it so much, thank you.

  • Viewing 214 - 218 of 218
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