I know it's been a while, but I would like to chat if you have the time. · 10:00pm Feb 19th, 2021
Wow, two years since I made a blog post, and nearly a years since I last updated a story.
Well the reason for that is sadly quite simple, I have had writers block due to the presidential election (yeah, I know, stupide) but recently I have been getting the urge to write again, which has brought me of course to Changeling Mine.
Here to make your day 'cuz why not
Quick question is this:The Changeling Gorbfest: Celestial Traditions ever going to be finished
Suffering a massive amount of writters block, still here though.
Just poking to see if you're still around. Too many great authors never finish their stories.
Thanks for adding Fo:E-Allegiances! Hope you (keep) enjoy(ing) it!