Basta! Basta! BASTA!!! No stories at all? Streaming is down?! The goddamn group has 31 stories to show, yet streaming is down? Yeah, idk if this thingy will ever be fixed. It's been saying reported 404 not found for months, if not years! You really gotta be shittin' me.
Basta! Basta! BASTA!!! No stories at all? Streaming is down?! The goddamn group has 31 stories to show, yet streaming is down? Yeah, idk if this thingy will ever be fixed. It's been saying reported 404 not found for months, if not years! You really gotta be shittin' me.
*looks at title*
Though I prefer DiamondBloom, I do love me some Scootiara as well
My one weakness.
Aside from green olives.
Let the Scootiara ships commence!
Just in time. Been working on a ScooTiara fic the last couple of days