A special group dedicated to stories centered around the main six's children! Behold various versions of the next generation's!
And many more! If you have a NextGen Fic, this is the place to post it
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Main Six ( 6 sub folders ) | 154 |
A special group dedicated to stories centered around the main six's children! Behold various versions of the next generation's!
And many more! If you have a NextGen Fic, this is the place to post it
! Yeah that'd be really cool
Oh, I see
No I mean if the main six meet when they were kids
? Like if one got together with the other and had kids of their own?
What do you mean
Or mybe both?
I'd love it of the Main Six had children of their own
That...is actually something that I was planning on doing sometime in my series
Guys know of any storys in onther groups that have the main six meeting as kids
I'd put my story in this group. But mine are humans :twilightsheepish, but I'd love to see the ideas and imaginations sore from other writers and artists
I'll make some next gens soon... :D If you're interested.
I like kilila9 best.mi read magic, wich had anthea and starburst in it
I'm writing one of these now!
I hope I didn't break the rules in submitting the stories.