• Member Since 28th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


I am a Scotsman who writes stories, not all of which are of the self-insert variety. Ko-fi

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Q&A Round 28 - The Answers! · 5:15pm 9 hours ago

Sorry, but since I only had three people ask me anything, there won't be a video. Mind you, with the way my voice sounds right now, that's probably a good thing. :rainbowlaugh:

Anyhoo, let's get to it.

Lucky Seven

What would you say is the biggest lesson you've learned since you joined Fimfic?

I've learned a few lessons, as it happens.

1. Don't get defensive when people criticise your work.

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Report GeodesicDragon · 30 views ·

Other Stuff I Do


TL;DR - World of Warcraft AddOns | RimWorld Mods: Steam GitHub | Discord: BGKnpza

I play World of Warcraft Classic, and I play RimWorld a lot; I released my first WoW addon in 2010, and my first RimWorld mod in 2020. My WoW addons range in features and functionality, but my most popular ones are DuelResponse, which makes dealing with duel requests easier (whether you enjoy dueling or despise it), Free Bag Spaces, GuildTooltip and XP Bar Text.

My RimWorld mods range from allowing players to build their own bullet and mortar shields, like the ones used by mechanoid swarms, and even adding Irn-Bru to the game. Fun fact on that one: I actually got permission from the makers of Irn-Bru to use their product name in this manner, which was really cool of them. Oh, and I've also made a mod which adds My Little Pony related items - mostly equippable plushies - to the game. That one is my favourite.

My WoW addons can be found on my CurseForge profile, while my RimWorld mods can be downloaded from either the Steam Workshop or GitHub (for those of you who might not play the game via Steam).

If you encounter any bugs while using one of my addons or mods, or you have something else to say, you can reach me via my personal Discord server; I'm on Discord a lot, so I am more likely to respond to queries there faster than I would anywhere else.

That's all for now; thanks for taking the time to read all of this.

Stay safe, and stay awesome!

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