• Member Since 28th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I am a Scotsman who writes stories, not all of which are of the self-insert variety. Ko-fi


This story is a sequel to The One Hundred Words Collab

Ten authors worked to create a story together, writing just two hundred words each — but all they had to work with were the two hundred words that were written by the person before them.

Presented to you now is the result of their combined endeavours... although, upon reading, it will quickly become apparent that the use of the 'Random' tag is well justified.

In fact, 'random' is probably an understatement.

(Wait, haven't we been here before?)


Chapters (11)

Pinkie Pie bakes a celebration cake, but then somepony steals it.

This sets off a series of events that lead to an unexpected twist.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Written for the 1000 Words Contest III in the Comedy category. AU tag because the ponies use cars. Based on an idea given to me by a friend.

Chapters (1)

Every morning, without fail, Derpy delivers Applejack's mail.

While she normally puts the mail aside to be dealt with after her work around the farm is done, one particular envelope catches her eye. Upon reading the contents, she sets off to visit the pony who wrote it.

A pony who has a revelation that will change both of their lives for the better...

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Pre-read by Contentgremlin and Buck Swisher.

Chapters (1)

Sun, sea, sand, and your marefriend by your side.

What more could Lyra and Bon Bon want?

AUTHOR'S NOTE: A tag has been deliberately left out for reasons that will become apparent when you read the story.

Pre-read by Thesmokinguy, Contentgremlin, Buck Swisher and Lynser.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Are You Made Of Copper And Tellurium?

Rainbow Dash has something to ask Twilight, and what better way to do so than by first asking her a bunch of questions about science?

AUTHOR'S NOTE: My first story in a year and a half, and also my third TwiDash fic. Reading the prequel is required in order to understand some parts of this.

Pre-read by Lucky Seven.

Chapters (1)

It's time for your first date with Princess Twilight.

You've got everything planned out; all you need to do is stop her from figuring out where you're going and allow time for that plan to be put into action...

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is not a sequel to First Date With Celestia. Also, it's the first story I've written for nearly two years.

Chapters (1)

A brief recollection of the series of events which took place before and after Applejack smacked Strawberry Sunrise upside the head with a stool.

SEQUEL: Strawbe-Retract This
READINGS: Get Strawbe-Wrecked | Strawbe-Rematch and Strawbe-Retract This

Chapters (2)