• Member Since 19th May, 2024
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I require content.


What's been going on · 8:18am July 14th

First of all sorry.

I did say that I would be posting ~every week but that uhhhh... has kinda fallen through.

My bad. Between interning and the euros (come on England! One more!) I've either been off my head chanting it's coming home or way too tired to put anything meaningful to paper.

However, I am finished with my internship AND have a lot of free time coming up where I can rest up and have a go at writing again.

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Uh, Gizmo?

Well, I do kind of have a story in the works for a contest, but I'm really just a reader at heart.

I hope to see some of your stuff soon :heart:


My main output is daily blogs featuring songs I like, as well as some random other topics sometimes.

However, you may see me write on rare occasions.

Very rare occasions.

May I possibly weasel a follow out of you as well?

(Carrot Top from Sev's Discord)

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